Students Present Ideas for Sustainable Living

At the Hafenmuseum (Port Museum) Speicher XI, students will present their ideas for climate-friendly living in the future. From June 4 to July 3, self-constructed sustainability houses will be on display. The exhibition opening is at 10 a.m. on June 13.

"How can we live well and affordably, while protecting the climate and our living space and using the necessary raw materials and energy in such a way that they will still be available to future generations?"
Pupils in the 9th and 10th grades of the Wilhelm-Olbers-Oberschule school in Bremen have been guided by this question since the beginning of the second school term in 2022. They have used materials, experiments, and samples of building materials to explore the complex relationships between climate and living, and have focused their attention on the possibilities of sustainable construction and housing. This was accompanied by a course involving content and materials developed for this purpose as part of the MARUM school project "Klima – ich wandle mich!" (Climate – I'm changing!).
The highlight at the end of the school year was the construction of a joint object for participation in the "WohnKlima" project, which incorporated impulses from the previous months. The students were given an oversized cardboard box as a basic framework, took part in the climate workshop and a guided tour of the special exhibition at the Hafenmuseum Speicher XI, and were able to use the "Building Adventure" material box for further inspiration.

The "Eine Welt in der Schule" Project and the "WohnKLIMA" Project

In the fall of 2021, the "Eine Welt in der Schule" (One World in Schools) project, in cooperation with the Hafenmuseum Speicher XI, invited Bremen school classes to participate in the special exhibition "wohnen³ besser.bezahlbar.bauen" by creating their own buildings. In addition to information on climate and sustainable building, design materials were made available and participation in a climate workshop and a guided tour of the special exhibition in the Hafenmuseum took place. In two-week slots, participating classes were able to present joint objects with their thoughts and ideas on climate and housing as part of the special exhibition. The "WohnKLIMA" project is sponsored by "Bingo! Die Umweltlotterie" and the Senator for Climate Protection, Environment, Mobility, Urban Development, and Housing in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.
The project "Eine Welt in der Schule” is a project of the Grundschulverband e.V. (Primary School Association) and is active in the field of global development/education for sustainable development with materials in nationwide distribution, a magazine, further education, and regional projects.
Contact person: Ulrike Oltmanns.
Email: u.oltmannsprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 421 218 697-75

MARUM School Project "Klima – ich wandle mich!" at the University of Bremen

Together with four secondary schools from the state of Bremen (Neue Oberschule Gröpelingen, Oberschule an der Egge, Schule am Leher Markt, Wilhelm-Olbers-Oberschule), ways are being developed in a pilot phase (2020-03/2023) of the MARUM school project "Klima – ich wandle mich!" to implement and anchor climate education and education for sustainable development (ESD) structurally and in the long term in their school profiles. In an open design process, courses and teaching modules on diverse topics of climate protection and sustainability that directly affect the students' lives were developed together with the cooperation schools. In terms of education for sustainable development, the courses are intended to give them space to reflect on their own values in their everyday lives as well as in a global context, and to find their own ways of protecting the climate through their actions. In the school year 2021/22, the foundation course "KlimaKurs" (ClimateCourse) (7th grade) and the project courses "Meine Handlung zählt!" (My Actions Count!) (9th/10th grade) and "Unser Nachhaltigkeitshaus" (Our Sustainability House) (9th/10th grade) were tested during initial implementation in the project schools. After a subsequent evaluation, the materials will be revised and will then be made freely available to all schools. The MARUM school project is funded by the Senator's Office for Science and Ports and accompanied by the Senator's Office for Children and Education.


Sylvia Stegmann
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
Phone: +49 421 218-65330

Further Information:

“Eine Welt in der Schule” project: (in German only)

“WohnKLIMA” project: (in German only)
“Klima – ich wandle mich” project: (in German only)

Pupils:inside with laptop on a meadow
At the Hafenmuseum (Port Museum) Speicher XI, students will present their ideas for climate-friendly living in the future.