Summer Schools for Women Start Again

From August 16 to 31, female students, specialists, and researchers will meet at the Informatica Feminale and the Engineering Summer School. Some 50 courses are on the program.

The courses cover computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and architecture. Demand from female participants remains strong. "We are very pleased that this year, for the first time, all courses will again be held in person on the university campus," says Henrike Illig, research assistant at the “Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik” (Women in Science and Technology Competence Center), who organizes the summer schools as part of the team headed by Veronika Oechtering. Currently, there are still a few remaining places available. Female students and non-employed persons pay a flat rate of 40 euros for the entire program and employed persons pay 40 euros per day of the event. Interested parties can find more information and register at and

The offers of Informatica Feminale and Women in Engineering summer schools are wide-ranging: There are courses on basic knowledge and special topics both in German and in English. The target group is correspondingly large: female students, female scientific staff, female high school graduates, female experts from the field, but also other interested parties are equally catered for. "This year, for example, the summer schools are being used particularly by working women as part of educational leave. Women from the humanities or social sciences are taking part to gain skills in programming," reports Henrike Illig. Under certain circumstances, female students can receive credit for the courses.

Supporting Program with Large Company Presence

On August 16, the summer schools will be opened by Professor Maren Petersen, Vice President for Teaching and Studies at the University of Bremen. In addition to the academic courses, the summer schools also offer an extensive supporting program. There are excursions to research institutes, production sites, technical companies, as well as cultural institutions in the state of Bremen and the Northwest. Numerous Bremen companies will introduce themselves and will be looking to establish contact with the participants. The program also includes free childcare.

Informatica Feminale is taking place for the 26th time this year, and the Women in Engineering summer school for the 15th time. Since the beginning, the decisive factors have been the implementation of gender-equitable teaching and the professional networking of women in technical subjects.


Three women are looking at a laptop.
The summer schools are also about professional networking for women in technical subjects.