Teaching as a Profession and Vocation

284 people graduated from the teaching degree program at the University of Bremen in the past year. Their achievements and commitment were acknowledged at the Master of Education graduation ceremony.

"Being a teacher is not only a profession, but also a vocation," emphasized Professor Maren Petersen, Vice President for Teaching and Studies at the University of Bremen, in her welcoming speech. She highlighted the diverse tasks and social responsibility of future teachers, especially in the areas of digitalization, inclusion, and sustainability, and in the context of the climate crisis. "The foundations for innovation and strategy development in tomorrow's schools are being laid during the course of study," she noted.

At the University of Bremen, 284 students graduated with a teaching degree in the current examination year. After a recent decline in the number of graduates, more students have successfully completed their teacher education programs this year. In the university's large lecture hall, approximately ninety graduates took part in the farewell ceremony, which the Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZfLB) has hosted for several years.

In addition to Maren Petersen, Professor Christian Palentien (academic director of the Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZfLB)), Dr. Ursula Held (head of the Department of School Education, Training, and Further Training for the Senator for Children and Education), and Silke Engelhardt (head of the Department of Training at the State Institute for Schools (LIS)) also addressed the graduates. Dr. Ursula Held emphasized the value of university education for the quality of the education system and assured all graduates a place in the second phase of their education, namely the postgraduate internship. Silke Engelhardt then gave concrete insights into the training practice at LIS, in which there is plenty of room for individual development and self-exploration. Martin Foth-Feldhusen (Alumni Board) shared some thoughts on the teaching profession with those present.

Award for Three Students

Alongside a program of music and theater, this year's sponsorship award for outstanding Master of Education theses was also presented. The award is sponsored by the social sciences and educational sciences faculties. This year, three laureates shared the award, which is endowed with a total of 500 euros. The first prize was awarded to Insa Meißner (educational sciences/mathematics) for her work on the topic "Learning with Explanatory Videos – The Influence of Comprehension Elements on the Understanding of Mathematical Functions. A Mixed Method Study." The second prize was shared: It went to Dominik Wolf for his work "Vocabulary Washback: Reflections on the Possibilities of Promoting Vocabulary Competence and Learner Autonomy through Vocabulary Tests" and Katharina Roß for her thesis "Network – Coral Reef – To What Extent Can the Mystery of the 'Coral Reef Network' Contribute to the Promotion of Systems Competence?"

The University of Bremen wishes all Master of Education degree program graduates all the best for the next stage of their lives.

This year, three laureates shared the award for outstanding Master of education theses, which is endowed with a total of 500 euros.
This year, three laureates shared the award for outstanding Master of education theses, which is endowed with a total of 500 euros.
In the university's large lecture hall, approximately ninety graduates took part in the farewell ceremony, which the Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZfLB) has hosted for several years
In the university's large lecture hall, approximately ninety graduates took part in the farewell ceremony, which the Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZfLB) has hosted for several years