The Golden Plietsch: The 2023 Award Winning Projects

With the “Golden Plietsch" award, the University of Bremen Foundation and its sheltered foundations honor ideas promoting greater sustainability and positive urban development in Bremen. This year’s award ceremony took place on Tuesday, September 12 at the House of Science.

Lucky winner: The first prize, the Golden Plietsch, endowed with 8,000 euros, went to Dr. Detta Sophie Schütz for her “ZDL Schule – Goal-Oriented Dialogic Reading as a Classroom-Integrated Method for Promoting Language in Elementary Schools” project. University Director of Finance and Administration Frauke Meyer and Dr. Helga Trüpel, chairpersons of the university foundation, presented the awards.

The Golden Plietsch award endowed with 7,000 euros was won by Professor Anna Förster for the “MoleNet: Underground Wireless Sensor Networks for the Sustainable Development Goals” student project. 5,000 euros each were awarded to PD Dr. Guido Schmiemann for the “Climate-Conscious Prescription of Inhaled Medications” project as well as Dr. Bror Giesenbauer and Julia Twachtmann for their “Wiki-Retreat: Writing Workshop on Sustainability Communication at Universities.”

With their outstanding presentations in the packed Olbers Hall, the four laureates prevailed over three other great projects that had qualified for the finals. The award honors bold and innovative ideas, which contribute to sustainable development and have a positive impact on the community (of Bremen).
The jury, made up of representatives of the participating foundations, voted together with the audience in the Olbers Hall on which projects should be awarded a total of 25,000 euros.

“MACHT SINN” Exhibition at the House of Science

The Golden Plietsch award was created as part of the MACHT SINN! campaign and first awarded in 2021. It was accompanied by the MACHT SINN!  [Makes Sense. Donating to Science] exhibition, which is on display at the House of Science until December 2, 2023. It gives a stage to committed philanthropists. They tell their stories in personal portraits and podcasts. What motivates them? What are their visions of a better world? And how do they put these visions into practice together with the university?

Further Information:

Https:// (in German only)
Information on the “Make a Donation, Create Knowledge” initiative is available here: (in German only)
Information on the University of Bremen’s sheltered foundations is available here:



Dr. Christina Jung
University of Bremen Foundation
Phone: +49-421-218-60336
Email: christina.jungprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de




Julia Twachtmann, Bror Giesenbauer, Anna Förster, Detta Sophie Schütz, Guido Schmiemann (v.l.)
The Winners: Julia Twachtmann, Bror Giesenbauer, Anna Förster, Detta Sophie Schütz, Guido Schmiemann (f.l.)