The University Invites You to Its Digital OPEN CAMPUS WEEK

The University of Bremen is turning 50 this year. One of the events is the traditional OPEN CAMPUS. This year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will run digitally as OPEN CAMPUS WEEK from June 7 to June 11, 2021. For many events, participant numbers are limited. Registration is still open.

The University of Bremen is turning 50 this year. One of the events is the traditional OPEN CAMPUS. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, for the first time, it will run digitally as OPEN CAMPUS WEEK from June 7 to June 11, 2021. For five days, faculties, institutes, and other university institutions want to show off their talents under the motto “OPEN WORLDS – SHARE KNOWLEDGE.” Visitors can look forward to interesting theme days and an interactive map that will allow for a digital campus visit. For many events, participant numbers are limited. Registration is still open.

Thanks to exciting formats, such as virtual guided tours, interesting talks, and virtual pagoda visits, you can gain an insight into the different areas of the University of Bremen. Most of the events will take place on Friday, June 11. Every day from Monday to Thursday is dedicated to one specific topic. Registration is required for most of the events and participant numbers are limited. Here is an overview:

Monday, June 7, 2021: Start a Business? No Problem! From University to a Start-Up Business

Here everything revolves around the topic of business startups and what kind of support for young entrepreneurs different university institutions and its partners offer. In the evening, young, innovative companies will introduce themselves at the Bremen Start-Up Lounge.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021: Your Career Perspectives – Degree, Vocational Training, Job

On this day, anyone interested can find out all about the university’s degree and training programs as well as about career perspectives at the Bremen Technology Park. Additionally, there will be information on general career perspectives and further training.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021: Campus International – We Stay connected!

On Wednesday, many events will provide information on studies and internships abroad, the Welcome Center of the University of Bremen, language courses, partner universities, mobility schemes, and the YUFE network, in which the University of Bremen together with nine universities and four non-academic partners is establishing a European University.

Thursday, June 10, 2021: Sports, Nutrition, Health

Sport events, healthy nutrition, mental trainings for mind and soul: Thursday is dedicated to health and wellbeing. Experts will offer an all-round package on how to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy – with mental trainings, active mini breaks, and workouts.

In addition, Thursday is the kick-off for the “Uni Bremen Charity Run – 50,000 km within 5 days.” Within five days, the university wants to collect 50,000 kilometers for the “Bremer Herzen” charity. For every kilometer run, the university will donate 50 cents to the charity. And this is how it works: From June 10 to June 14, you can run whenever and wherever you like. You can register and submit the completed kilometers via the website or the app "LEX Laufexperten" from June 10.

The detailed program of the individual theme days is available at . Many faculties, institutes, and initiatives from the university and surrounding fields are involved.

Almost 60 Scheduled Events on Friday, June 11

On Friday, June 11, the OPEN CAMPUS WEEK will reach its pinnacle. On this day alone, there will be nearly 60 scheduled events between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Much like in previous years, many exciting academic talks and panel discussions on current topics such as “the changing climate” or “deep oceans” will be taking place. Several research institutes will offer live tours through their facilities.
You can gain a good impression of life and work on campus: Through photos and videos, faculties, institutes, student initiatives, and different services of the central university administration will introduce themselves.

50 Times Digital Kids’ University

Monday, June 7, will also see the start of the Bremen Kids’ University. In keeping with the motto “50 Times Digital Kids’ University”, 50 digital events for children between 8 and 12 years will take place. You will be able access the digital content of the OPEN CAMPUS WEEK until the end of the year.

50 Years of the University of Bremen – With Warm Thanks To Our Partners:

•  University of Bremen Alumni Network
•  AOK – Die Gesundheitskasse
•  Bremen NEXT
•  Bremen Vier
•  Die Sparkasse Bremen
•  “unifreunde” Association of the Friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University
•  Stiftung Bremer Wertpapierbörse
•  Weser-Kurier
•  WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH

Further Information:


Julia Pundt
Event Management
University of Bremen
Phone: +49-421-218-60116
Email: julia.pundtprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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