The University of Bremen Publishes 2022 Transfer Report

The University of Bremen contributes to the social and economic development of the city of Bremen with a broad range of activities. This is according to the 2022 Transfer Report, which has just been released and provides an insight into knowledge and technology transfer at the University of Bremen.

Be it society, culture, education, politics, or business, efficient knowledge and technology transfer from the university is important for innovative developments and economic profiling on a global scale and is of great significance at the University of Bremen.

Transfer Activities That Are as Diverse as the University

This year’s report especially focuses on the paths transfer took during the pandemic. For example, scientists from the University of Bremen with their broad range of expertise have been repeatedly requested by the media and, together with students, have created a digital exhibition on the topic of “Covid-19 – Ein Mosaik. Politiken des Lebens in Zeiten der Corona-Krise” (Covid-19 – A Mosaic. Politics of Life in Times of of the Coronavirus Crisis).
“How knowledge is transferred to society is as diverse as the University of Bremen itself. It would be beyond the scope of the report to cover every option. But they are all important aspects and make a significant contribution to the University of Bremen being so successful and contributing to a future-oriented, free, open, and democratic world,” says Professor Jutta Günther, Vice President for Research and designated President. Further reports should be following at regular intervals in order to present a range of the university’s transfer activities that is as wide as possible.

The head of UniTransfer, Dr. Martin Heinlein: “The extent of activities at the University of Bremen in transfer is vast. It’s impressive to see the diversity and reach the different transfer projects here offer!”
University employees are involved in the area of knowledge and technology transfer in a variety of ways: they give lectures, organize interactive seminars and projects for and with the public, or they provide information about research and teaching projects in blogs and social networks.
The University of Bremen has set itself the goal of increasing the visibility of transfer as part of its transfer strategy. The published transfer report is part of this new concept.

The report is published by the University of Bremen’s UniTransfer Unit. Since 1985, scientists and their partners in business, culture, and society have found support here in their collaborative activities, thus covering the whole spectrum of knowledge and technology transfer.

Further Information:

The the University of Bremen’s 2022 Transfer Report can be downloaded here:


Dr. Martin Heinlein
Head of UniTransfer
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-60330
E-Mail: martin.heinleinprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


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