Third Course for Work and Staff Councils to Begin

The further training course “Work / Technology Organization and Participation” will start in September. This part-time offer is a step towards a master’s degree and is aimed at work representatives. Info events will take place digitally at 5 p.m. on both April 13 and May 19, 2021.

In order for work and staff councils to be able to help shape the rapid changes being made to work organization and conditions in the future, they require relevant knowledge and skills. That is why in January 2020, the advanced master’s degree program “Work-Consultation-Organization. Forming Participative Processes” (“Arbeit-Beratung-Organisation. Prozesse partizipativ gestalten”) started at the University of Bremen. This part-time offer is unique in Germany and aimed at work representatives.

Partial Qualifications in Three Steps Also Possible

The three thematic degree parts “Work-Related Consultation,” “Participative Staff and Organizational Development,” and “Work / Technology Organization and Participation” can each be completed for a certificate.

“Work / Technology Organization and Participation” Begins in September

One of these three parts – namely “Work / Technology Organization and Participation” – will start in September as a course with certificate upon completion. The course aims to expand organization and participation skills. The “Participative Staff and Organizational Development” unit is currently running and the “Work-Related Consultation” unit will begin for the second time in September 2021.

The program is aimed at occupational representatives, including work council members, staff council members, members of staff unions, work / staff council consultants, and representatives for disabled persons and equal opportunities. The application deadline is June 30, 2021.
The Center for Labor and Politics (Zentrum für Arbeit und Politik – zap) at the University of Bremen is hosting the program in cooperation with the Academy of Continuing Education and the Bremen Chamber of Labor.

About zap

The Center for Labor and Politics (Zentrum für Arbeit und Politik – zap) stands for science with societal responsibility. Democratization, codetermination, changes in the working world, and migration form the central fields of focus. In close cooperation with Bremen Chamber of Labor, zap is active in society and deals with current issues of coexistence. The aim is to open the university by means of practice-related research, life-oriented transfer of knowledge, and democracy-strengthening (continuing) education and coaching services. The close relationship between science and society has been common practice at zap, as have research and teaching, since the center’s establishment in 1971.

Further Information: (in German only)


Prof. Dr. Andreas Klee and Dr. Simone Hocke
Center for Labor and Politics (Zentrum für Arbeit und Politik)
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-67707
Email: s.hockeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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