University Remains in Face-To-Face Mode

Corona warning level 2 entered into effect in Bremen City on November 25. This does not have any direct effect on operations at the university. The face-to-face semester will be continued under adherence to the hygiene regulations. The university additionally appeals to get a vaccination.

The amendment of the warning level is part of the changed Bremen State Corona Ordinance. In said ordinance, the thresholds for the higher levels have been decreased.

The University of Bremen is working with its own Level Plan for Teaching and the university’s crisis team determines the applicable level. This means that the state warning level may not be the same as the level of the Level Plan for Teaching. Since the beginning of this week, the university has been on level 2 of the Level Plan for Teaching. Under consideration of the current situation, the university decided on said level in order to remain in face-to-face mode for as long as possible.

Will the semester continue in face-to-face mode?

The university is doing everything in its possible to be able to continue the face-to-face semester. The university asks that everyone complies with the hygiene regulations and that all members get their vaccination. The so-called “citizen tests” are once more being offered by test centers in Bremen State. A list of the test centers offering free-of-charge testing can be found on the Senator for Health’s website.   

Is it possible for staff to work from home?

University staff have the option to work from home if this has been agreed upon with superiors and if their job does not necessarily require presence on campus. This regulation will remain in place for the time being. If you are considering working from home, the main aspects to think about are your tasks and the technical facilities required. The maintenance of face-to-face teaching operations and the related needs in administration and facility/technical areas are the top priorities.

Which other changes will there be for staff?

Bremen State has stated some essential changes for staff in a circular from the Senator of Finance. The most important changes are:

  • Testing time no longer counts as working time.
  • There will be no continuation of payment for unvaccinated person in quarantine.
  • As of December 1, 2021, compensation payments will no longer be made based on § 56 of the IFSG, if they could have been prevented by vaccination. This is the implementation of the federal and state health ministers’ ruling dated September 22, 2021.
  • Employers may request and document the vaccination status of employees. The university will make use of this opportunity in a few areas where the usual entry checks cannot be carried out.

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