University Extends Invitation for YUFE Schnack (YUFE Chit-Chat)

YUFE Schnack (YUFE Chit-Chat) is the name of the entertaining, digital event series where you can find out more about the diverse projects of the Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) alliance. Kick-off is at 10 a.m. on Thursday, March 25. Everyone who is interested is cordially welcome

Since December 2019, the University of Bremen has been part of the alliance Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE). Together with nine universities and four non-academic partners, we strive to work towards a European University that creates new offers and opportunities for its students, and expands opportunities for staff in research, technology, and administration. The alliance also aims to have an impact on the cities and regions of the respective partner universities. The alliance is funded by the European Union, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the state of Bremen.

Initial measures of the project are already underway: Students can participate in virtual teaching offers from the YUFE partner universities; we have been able to advertise several post-doctoral researcher positions across the alliance as part of our efforts to improve career tracks; and university employees can take advantage of continuing education opportunities from all YUFE universities.

The new event series YUFE  Schnack (YUFE Chit-Chat) will start and give us the opportunity to get into (or stay in) conversation with those interested. As of March 25, 2021, a 30-minute Zoom meeting will be held once a month, during which there will be the opportunity for participants to meet the YUFE colleagues who are helping to shape the project at our university. The meetings are open to anyone who is interested and can be held in English if preferred. After a brief introduction, there will be the chance to ask questions, meet other YUFE supporters, and exchange ideas about future opportunities for involvement in the alliance.

The first dates:

  • Thursday, March 25, 2021, 10:00 to 10:30 a.m.

YUFE  Schnack (YUFE Chit-Chat) with Charlotte Simmat about the YUFE Entrepreneurship Lecture: The University of Bremen is designing a lecture in a YUFE Lecture Series on the topic of entrepreneurship. We would like to discuss the possibilities of designing this lecture.

  • Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 3:00 to 3:30 p.m.

YUFE  Schnack (YUFE Chit-Chat) with Svenja Renner about the YUFE Stars System – What the Stars have to do with YUFE: Join us in taking a look at the following questions: What are the YUFE Stars? What do we need them for? How are they already in use?

  •  Monday, May 3, 2021, 3:00 to 3:30 p.m.

YUFE  Schnack (YUFE Chit-Chat) with Charlotte Simmat on the topic of YUFE in our Cities – supporting student volunteering: The aim of the alliance is to support students in taking up volunteering work. We would like to exchange ideas about opportunities and the use of synergies.

  • Wednesday, June 9, 2021, time tba

YUFE  Schnack (YUFE Chit-Chat) @ OPEN CAMPUS: Details about the content of this event will be announced soon.

  •  Thursday, July 8, 2021, 4:00 to 4:30 p.m.

YUFE  Schnack (YUFE Chit-Chat) with Enkhsaruul Brito about the YUFE Mentoring and Coaching Scheme: Find out what the alliance is planning to offer in the area of mentoring and coaching.


Further Information:


Sarah Wilewski
YUFE Coordinator
University of Bremen
Email: sarah.wilewskiprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Charlotte Simmat
YUFE in our Cities, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Sustainability
University of Bremen
Email: charlotte.simmatprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de  

Notebook, cup with tulip and pen on a meadow.
The new event series YUFE Schnack (YUFE Chit-Chat) will start and give us the opportunity to get into (or stay in) conversation with those interested.