University of Bremen and HWWI Sign Partnership Agreement

The University of Bremen and the Hamburg Institute of International Economics – HWWI (Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut) have entered into an agreement to cooperate in the areas of teaching, research, academic qualification, and transfer.

The agreement aims to provide joint services in teaching, basic and applied subject-related research work, the qualification of young academics, and the transfer of knowledge.

“The partnership agreement also provides a formal framework for the cooperation between the university’s Faculty of Business Studies & Economics and the HWWI, which has already enjoyed years of success. Urgent research questions of socio-ecological transformation are on the agenda as well as the future of regional and innovation policy. The collaboration will also strengthen teaching and knowledge transfer,” says the President of the University of Bremen, Professor Jutta Günther.

Important Interface between Basic and Applied Research

The HWWI and the University of Bremen want to use their partnership as an opportunity to generate synergies and accelerate the transfer of research results. The cooperation can therefore provide an important building block at the interface between basic and applied research work and knowledge.

“The HWWI sees itself as a research institute with a global economic focus and a northern German identity. We are now reinforcing this by cooperating with the University of Bremen,” says Professor Michael Berlemann, Scientific Director of the HWWI.

“The cooperation has already been in place for research projects or creating academic articles. Now the cooperation is being given an institutional framework and can be further developed strategically,” says Dr. Jan Wedemeier, research associate at the HWWI branch in Bremen.

The Bremen Chamber of Commerce – CCI for Bremen and Bremerhaven as well as Die Unternehmensverbände im Land Bremen support this strengthening of regional economic research in the state. In both material and nonmaterial ways, Bremen’s economy is already committed to regional economic research as part of the support group called Förderkreis des HWWI – Niederlassung Bremen e.V. for the qualification of young researchers as well as transfer.

Dr Matthias Fonger, Managing Director of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce – CCI for Bremen and Bremerhaven, says: “In recent years, the state of Bremen has been developing into an excellent location for academia and science with a fine reputation. The cooperation that has just been signed further strengthens the link between business and academia. From our point of view, this is the right way to further develop our location as a whole – in business and academia – in a forward-looking manner. If we want to make good strategic progress, we need a close link between business challenges and sound academic analysis. The HWWI has already done stellar work here in the past, which can be further expanded through the cooperation with the University of Bremen.”

“The HWWI has been firmly anchored in Bremen for a long time, and a support group promotes the work with great dedication. Thanks to the partnership agreement with the university, the HWWI will be even more visible locally in the future – this is a boon for Bremen as a location for business and academia,” says Cornelius Neumann-Redlin, the Managing Director of Die Unternehmensverbände im Land Bremen.

About HWWI

The Hamburg Institute of International Economics – HWWI (Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut) is an independent economic research institute that conducts basic and applied research. The institute analyses economic developments and conducts research into future-oriented solutions. It sees itself as a source of academic impetus for business, politics, and society. The HWWI is supported by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce. The HWWI’s academic partner is the Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg.

Further Information:


Elzbieta Hagemann
Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI)
Tel.: +49 403 405-76100
Email: hagemannprotect me ?!hwwiprotect me ?!.org

Anke Semrau
Bureau for Rectorate Affairs
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-60110
Email: asemrauprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

[Translate to English:]
University of Bremen and HWWI Sign Partnership Agreement: Prof. Dr. Jochen Zimmermann, Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther, Dr. Matthias Fonger, Dr. Dirck Süß, Cornelius Neumann-Redlin und Dr. Jan Wedemeier.