University of Bremen Conference in November

In November, the University of Bremen will host a stakeholder conference on the relationship between academia and practice, organized by the “Transferwerkstatt.Wissen-schafft-Politik.”

The Transferwerkstatt.Wissen-schafft-Politik is organizing the “Fatal Attraction? Knowledge Transfer between Academia and Politics” stakeholder conference at the House of Science in Bremen from November 9 to 10, 2023.  The project, which is funded as part of the Research Institute Social Cohesion (FGZ), invites participants to spend the two days examining the relationship between social sciences – especially sociology – and political practice.

The workshop will address relevant concepts, experiences, and controversies regarding what services (theoretical, methodological, reflective competence) sociology can offer to the political shaping of society. Furthermore, participants address the opportunities, challenges, and risks that arise both for sociology in terms of preserving its epistemological core and for governments in terms of their legitimacy and decision-making sovereignty.

These and similar questions are not only relevant for sociology being the “science of crisis in modern society,” but also for ecological, economic, and health research, both within and outside of social sciences.
The workshop will explore these issues from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives. Participants will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with practices of research-based knowledge transfer between politics and academia. Presentations of methodological approaches and discussions on issues regarding the setting and overstepping of boundaries will shape the event.


Further Information:

Expert:innentagung zum Wissenschaft-Praxis-Verhältnis (in German only)



Jessica Nuske, M.A.
Academic research assistant
Research Institute Social Cohesion (FGZ)
Bremen sector at the University of Bremen – Institute for Labour and Economy (iaw)
Phone: +49-421-218-61733
Email: jnuskeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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