Vaccination Campaign on Campus

There are once more two dates on which students and staff can get their vaccination at the University of Bremen. A mobile vaccination team will be on campus on Monday, February 14, and Tuesday, February 15.

Students and staff can get their first, second, and booster vaccinations between 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. at the university’s own test center in GW2 Building. Only persons aged 12 and above will be vaccinated and BioNtech and Moderna vaccines will be available.

Those who are missing vaccinations can make use of this chance and get theirs directly on site. Thanks to the high vaccination rate among members, the University of Bremen was able to start the winter semester in October in person. Even at this point in time, it is still the case that vaccination is the best protection against a severe case of corona.


Glashalle im Sonnenschein