Weser-Kurier Contributes to Local News App molo.news

The local news platform molo.news is growing again. The Weser-Kurier newspaper will be offering three editorial formats and will provide daily contributions from their digital media offering for Bremen and Bremerhaven as well as the fee-based WK+ texts.

The innovative news app molo.news for Bremen and the region was launched in July 2020. The app was developed by the University of Bremen and the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute in Hamburg. The free-of-charge app is a news feed containing all news and information from local media, societies, and other collectives - and has a focus on how you can become part of the city and what moves Bremen.
Several media outlets, including regional and local daily newspapers, online magazines, and other formats such as podcasts from the Bremen region, are already involved in molo.news. Thus, the info app already covers a broad spectrum of digital media, both from the commercial and non-profit sectors.

Alongside the most recent addition - Weser-Kurier, buten un binnen from Radio Bremen, taz, Mediengruppe Kreiszeitung, Weser Report, nord24.de, NORD|ERLESEN, as well as other media outlets are already contributing. Molo.news offers its users a good overview of the daily happenings in the region. Alongside news from professional media, the users can also easily compile information from public and civil-society organizations, such as universities, museums, and society, in an individualized news feed.

For everyone who is not familiar with molo.news: molo stands for “moving local.” One of the aims of the app is to create a stronger connection between users and where they live. Molo.news is a local news and information app that has been developed in the frame of a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Further Information:



Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp
Phone: +49 421 218-67620
Email: andreas.heppprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


businessman sitting on wooden floor with coffee cup and glasses using laptop
molo stands for “moving local.” One of the aims of the app is to create a stronger connection between users and where they live.