How FabLabs as Learning Spaces Support Digital Education in Schools

How do children and youths learn to deal with digital media? And how can the practical work of people at non-school locations such as FabLabs be integrated into schools? That is what the FabuLoUS project is investigating. The project is being coordinated by the University of Bremen.

Many children and youths in Germany acquire their knowledge of and skills in dealing with digital media in an informal and spontaneous manner. The FabuLoUS research project (the acronym stands for FabLabs als Bildungs- und Lernorte zur Unterstützung von Schulen – in English FabLabs as Educational and Learning Locations for Support of Schools) is investigating how children and youths can contribute and develop their competences in handling digital media – regardless of whether they acquired these in day-to-day life or in lessons – and how schools can support them and which other non-school learning locations are suitable.

FabLab as Open Workshops and Non-School Learning Space

The project investigates these questions based on the example of FabLab e.V., which was established by the University of Bremen in 2013. In the lab center, children and youths learn to work with new technologies in a playful manner. The FabLab is to be used as a learning space outside of school for all grades. There is a big room available in the Postamt 5 building.

FabLabs are open workspaces where people can turn their ideas into products, for example with 3D printers, laser cutters, microprocessors, or sensors. Whilst they do this, they are in close contact to experts from the field. The necessary materials, digital tools, and machines are provided in such labs at cost price.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding the project with around 470,000 euros. The Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences and the Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science represent the University of Bremen – the project coordinator. Moreover, the Institute of Pedagogy at Kiel University and the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research in Braunschweig are also involved.

Further Information: (in German only)


Linya Coers

University of Bremen

Faculty 12: Pedagogy and Educational Sciences
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-69415
Email: lcoersprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


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