December 5: University of Bremen Invites to Day of Teaching

The Day of Teaching will take place on Wednesday, December 5, with a public discussion event in the Haus der Wissenschaft and internal offers of the faculties on campus. It concludes in the evening with the presentation of the Berninghausen Prize for outstanding teaching.

From what point of view should the University of Bremen structure its teaching? What does it want to achieve? Is it a matter of serving certain occupational fields, for example to train student teachers or lawyers? Or should it also develop and promote reflected personalities? These are the core questions that are discussed at the university at this Day of Teaching. So, instead of regular courses, there is a reflection on teaching philosophy.

Public Discussion Event in the City

“About the future of our educational institutions” is the subject of the public event at the Haus der Wissenschaft in the afternoon. The discussion will focus on questions of what is expected of the university as a teaching institution and what all those involved can do to shape it. A panel discussion will be held after short introductory lectures by Jan Masschelein from the Laboratory for Education and Society at KU Leuven in the Netherlands and Norbert Ricken from Ruhr-Universität Bochum. The guests are Thomas Hoffmeister (Vice President Academic of the University of Bremen), Irina Kyburz (Allgemeiner Studierenden Ausschuss [AstA – students’ union] of the University of Bremen), Jan Masscheleien, and Maren Petersen (Professor and Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Production Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Process Engineering at the University of Bremen). The public discussion event will be led by the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, and the Zentrum für Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung (Center for Teacher Education) at the University of Bremen. “We would like to invite all students and university employees to discuss good teaching with us on this day,” says Professor Thomas Hoffmeister, Vice President Academic of the University of Bremen. 

Additional Information:


Dr. Stefanie Grote
Administrative Department 1 – Teaching and Studies Unit
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-60357
E-mail: stefanie.groteprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Portrait of a man with glasses.
Professor Thomas Hoffmeister, Vice President Academic, is looking forward to a constructive discussion on the Day of Teaching.