Academic Senate for More Face-to-Face Teaching in Winter

The university wishes to offer as many face-to-face lessons as possible in the winter semester. After comprehensive discussions, the Academic Senate members decided the following on June 17: Face-to-face lessons should have priority over digital teaching, as far as is possible regarding the pandemic

“We obviously do not know what the situation with the pandemic will be like in the winter semester,” states the president and chairman of the Academic Senate (AS), Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter. During the discussion within the Academic Senate it became clear that many faculties want to make use of all options in order to offer as much face-to-face teaching to students as possible. High risk groups of students and teaching staff will be taken into consideration. The University Executive Board and the faculties will make suitable preparations so that the greatest number of face-to-face lessons can be offered under the conditions prevailing in the winter semester. “We benefit from the scientific expertise of our epidemiologists in this regard,” emphasizes the president.

Optimally Using Strengths of Face-To-Face and Digital Teaching

The current summer semester has made it clear that digital formats are not equivalent to face-to-face teaching. The AS members and the University Executive Board were in agreement on this. After all, students do not only acquire subject-based knowledge at the university but also non-subject competencies, such as the ability to engage in dialogue and take criticism, as well as interpersonal skills. It is important to the AS that there is a suitable mixture of both formats. “First surveys of our students and teaching staff revealed that they are missing communication and discourse in the current digital semester,” says vice president academic, Professor Thomas Hoffmeister. “Together, we want to combine the advantages of face-to-face and digital formats in both the winter semester and the time following.”

Further Information:


Prof. Dr. Bernd Scholz-Reiter
President and Academic Senate (AS) Chairman
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-60011
Email: rektorprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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