Alumni Association Invitation to the Summer Party in Überseestadt

The alumni association of the University of Bremen is inviting guests to the traditional summer party on August 24. Among those attending are Senator of Science Eva Quante-Brandt and the robot soccer players of the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.

A very special setting was found for this year’s alumni summer party: together with team neusta, founder and managing director Carsten Meyer-Heder and alumnus Thorsten Haase, managing director of HEC GmbH, the association will be inviting guests to the party at Schuppen Eins in Überseestadt this year. It is sure to be a summer evening at the old dock full of opportunities for exchange, culinary delights, and networking. The celebration is sponsored by Starthaus Bremen, an initiative of Bremer Aufbau-Bank GmbH.

Welcoming Speech by Senator Quante-Brandt

The Senator of Science, Health, and Consumer Protection, Professor Eva Quante-Brandt, will give the welcoming speech. She taught at the University of Bremen and headed the Academy of Labor and Politics from 2009 to 2011 (known as the Center of Labor and Politics (zap) since 2013).

World Champions in Robot Soccer Up Close

This year, five-time world champions will take part: the robot soccer team B-Human. This is a project of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Bremen and the Cyber-Physical Systems research unit of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). The aim of the research project is to develop software for participation in RoboCup competitions as well as to inspire students to undertake an academic career or research within the framework of a lively subject area. The team consists of students and researchers from the University of Bremen and the DFKI. The RoboCup is a fascinating combination of innovative research and the world’s most popular team sport. Declared goal: the robots should be able to beat the current human world champion by 2050.

About the Alumni Association at the University of Bremen

The alumni association at the University of Bremen has existed for more than ten years. It currently has over 3,000 members. Its task is to maintain contact with graduates and former university employees, to inform them about the university, and to build up a network with them that benefits everyone. Current students and university members are also active and welcome in the association. There are various regional organizations in Germany, and Bremen alumni are also connected internationally. For example, there are groups in Shanghai and Yaoundé (Cameroon) who meet regularly for exchange and to maintain contact with their university in Bremen.

Supporting the University

The alumni association also offers the opportunity to give something back to the university and its students. For example, it supports several German scholarships and projects that promote the dissemination of science and research to the public – such as the “Aus den Akten auf die Bühne” theater project of the university and the bremer shakespeare company. In addition, student projects as well as seminars and lecture courses for vocational preparation in the Faculties are supported. The B-Human team of the University and the DFKI is also one of the projects sponsored by the association.

Additional Information:


Derk H. Schönfeld
Alumni der Universität Bremen e.V.
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49-421-2186-0019
E-mail: derk.schoenfeldprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Three roboter playing soccer
This year, five-time world champions will take part: the robot soccer team B-Human.