Andreas Breiter re-elected as vice president

On February 21, 2018, the Academic Senate of the University of Bremen re-elected Andreas Breiter to the post of Vice President. At the same time, his area of responsibility has grown. He is now the University’s Vice-President for Research, Young Academics and Transfer.

The professor of computer science has been Vice President since November 2015 and will now start his second term. Up to now, Andreas Breiter’s main task has been to coordinate and further develop a University-wide research strategy and to expand measures for the promotion of junior scientists in close cooperation with the Faculties. Now he has also taken on the task of anchoring a sustainable culture of science transfer at the University of Bremen.

“Cooperation in both directions”

“It is my deep conviction as a researcher that the University’s relationship with society should be of a more reciprocal nature. The University is part of our urban society: 3,500 highly qualified people work here, which makes us one of the largest employers in Bremen,” says Breiter. He sees his new task in ensuring that the University in Bremen is more strongly perceived as a research university and not only as an institution of higher education. After all, the research done here results in tangible benefits for the city state of Bremen, for its future and its reputation as a science hub. Breiter believes that, in addition to business start-ups and research and development with industrial partners in the region, science transfer must be understood in a much broader sense. In order to establish a sustainable transfer culture, it is important to develop cooperation in both directions. “We want to make the transfer activities of the Faculties even more visible. There are any number of great collaboration projects in the humanities and social sciences, especially with schools and cultural institutions.” The comprehensive transfer audit which the University carried out last year is the first step towards the development of a sustainable transfer strategy as part of the University’s overall future strategy.

About the person:

Andreas Breiter was appointed Professor of Applied Computer Science in the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science at the University of Bremen in July 2008. The chair focuses on information and knowledge management. At the same time, he heads the Institute for Information Management Bremen GmbH (ifib), a not-for-profit research and consulting institute at the University of Bremen.

If you would like to have more information on this topic, feel free to contact:

Prof. Andreas Breiter
Vice-President for Research, Young Academics and Transfer
University of Bremen
Phone: +49-421-218-60020
email: kon1protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Zwei Männer lächeln in die Kamera
Happy about the re-election: Vice-President for Research, Young Academics and Transfer Professor Andreas Breiter (left) und Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter (right), President of the University of Bremen