"Appsolutely Competent": University of Bremen project wins competition

The Center for Labor and Political Education at the University of Bremen (zap) is among the winners in the university competition in celebration of Science Year 2018 – Working Life of the Future “Show Your Research!”. The focus: How can science help to shape the working life of tomorrow?

The world of work is changing – and so is access to the labor market. Against the background of skills shortages and immigration, competencies that have not been acquired through traditional vocational training are becoming increasingly relevant for gaining access to the labor market. Most people remain unaware of the latent potential of so-called informal qualifications; that is, skills acquired outside formal vocational training. For example, a person may be highly competent in their trade or profession, but does not possess a formal qualification that is recognized in Germany. This is where the zap project "Appsolutely Competent" comes in. Its aim is to make job applicants and employers aware of such skill-sets.

Easy to use thanks to pictograms 

An interactive web portal aims at helping users realize the value of informal qualifications and their own skills. The design with pictograms makes it easy to use. In dialog with the various people involved in the labor market, the aim is to discuss and develop possibilities for recognizing informally acquired skills and knowledge. “We are very happy about winning the award and how it will help us implement our project idea. As part of its advisory activities, the zap aims at sharpening the awareness of everyone involved in the labor market.  The app fits in nicely with our overall approach – and we can also use it for our research”, says Dr. Julia Gantenberg, a member of the zap team.

About the competition

The university competition is sponsored by Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The guiding idea of the Science Year 2018 is "experience, learn, and shape". The interactive communication concepts developed by the winning team also aim at making their research area more transparent and understandable. At the same time, it demonstrates the social significance of the work carried out at zap. The aim of the competition is to promote the direct dialog between young researchers at German universities and the public, and to offer early-career researchers a platform.

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If you would like to know more about this topic, feel free to contact:

Dr. Julia Gantenberg
Center for Labor and Political Education (zap)
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-56711
Email: gantenbergprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

Group of men and women
Is happy about the award: the team of the Center for Labor and Political Education at the University of Bremen (zap).