Survey: What Is Moving People During the Corona Pandemic?

The Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen is looking for participants for the new “Stress and Resources in Times of the Corona Pandemic” study. Everyone who is over 18 and owns a smartphone can take part.

Which thoughts and emotions are connected to the current extraordinary situation? Which daily circumstances protect our mental health and which ones trigger stress? How does our own perception of the danger posed to us change and how is the threat posed to persons close to us assessed? Those are the most important questions of the research project. The survey duration spans three weeks and the study is being carried out online. No personal contact to the researchers is required at any point.

Smartphone Always at Your Side

What do persons who want to participate in the study do? “The participants should have their smartphone with them at all times during the three weeks. But obviously not at night when they are sleeping,” says the scientific assistant Christopher Jones, who is carrying out the study under the direction of Benjamin Schüz, professor with a focus on health promotion and prevention. Those who take part should continue with their daily life as normal. They will then be asked at up to five random points during the day to answer certain questions on their phone. “None of the questioning phases will take more than one of two minutes,” emphasizes Jones. The study participants will receive a personal assessment of their data at the end of study. By recording feelings and thoughts over a period of three weeks, it may be possible for the researchers to determine which situations are good for us and which daily life differences there are between people during corona.

Participation Requirements:

You must be over 18 and own a smartphone in order to participate in the study. Sufficient knowledge of the German language is also required.

Further Information on the Study: (in German only)

About IPP

The Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen is one of the largest research institutions in this field in Germany. A central research and teaching objective is the promotion of health and well-being at population level. The IPP was established in 2005 as a scientific institution within the Faculty of Human and Health Sciences. There are more than 60 scientists who now carry out research and teach in nine departments and working groups. The strengths of the IPP are the interdisciplinary public health and nursing research, research-oriented teaching in health and nursing science degrees, and knowledge transfer to practical fields, politics, and society.

About Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Public Health Bremen

Scientists from the fields of health sciences, computer science, statistics, law, communication sciences, ethnology, and philosophy work together within the LWC DiPH. Early career academics are expediently supported in the Early Career Researcher Academy. Together, they address interdisciplinary issues of digital technology development and assessment in public health. The University of Bremen, the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS, and the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS are involved.


Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schüz
Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP)
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-68831


Young woman with mouth-nose covering looks at her smartphone.