Part-Time Continuing Education in Palliative Care

In February 2019, two continuing education courses in the field of palliative care will start at the University of Bremen. Interested parties can get to know the offers at two information events – on November 6, 2018, for the certificate course and on November 22, 2018, for the master’s program.

The care of seriously and terminally ill people is a task full of responsibility that involves various professional groups and volunteers. For many years, the University of Bremen has been offering continuing education in the field of palliative care in order to qualify students for these activities. In February 2019, a two-year certificate course and a three-year master’s course will start. Both offers are carried out on a part-time basis.

Palliative Expertise Is Increasingly Important

The nurse of the outpatient nursing service, the doctor in the hospital, the psychologist, the seriously ill patient and their relatives therapeutically accompanied, the health insurance company employee who is active in nursing consultation – they are all faces of palliative care. “In the future, palliative expertise will be key to the qualification of many occupational groups in the social and health services,” stresses Dr. Susanne Fleckinger, palliative care program coordinator at the University of Bremen. The central goal of both continuing education courses is to provide participants with well-founded practical and theoretical knowledge and to support them in reflecting on their professional activities.

Certificate Course Possible without University Entrance Qualification<

A special feature of the certificate program is that interested persons without a university entrance qualification can also take part. Following on from their own professional experience, they impart interdisciplinary practical knowledge. The content includes, for example, insights into pain therapy methods, treatment standards, communication with patients and relatives, and ethical issues. The continuing education program comprises two weeks of educational leave and 12 weekends over a period of two years and is completed with a university certificate.

Specialization in the Master’s Program

Interested students need to have a first university degree in order to participate in the interdisciplinary master’s program. The part-time degree course usually lasts six semesters and offers the opportunity to look at palliative care from a health, care, and social science perspective. It is aimed at those interested in acquiring practical, theoretical, and research-oriented knowledge in the field of palliative care. After completing the master’s program, graduates also have the opportunity to earn a doctorate.


Application Deadline: December 6, 2018

The information event on the certificate program will take place on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Academy of Continuing Education (University of Bremen, Bibliothekstrasse 2A, Central Campus Building/Room B 1300). On Thursday, November 22, 2018, from 6 to 7 p.m., interested students can find out more about the master’s program in the Faculty of Human and Health Sciences (Grazer Strasse 2, Room 0180). Both events are free of charge and nonbinding. Applications for the degree courses – which are subject to fees – can be submitted until December 6, 2018.

Additional Information:


Marlis Glomba
Academy of Continuing Education
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-61622
E-mail: mglombaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Dr.  Susanne Fleckinger
Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung (IPP)
Faculty of Human and Health Sciences
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-68982
E-mail: fleckingerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

A teacher in front of a group of listeners in a seminar room.
The continuing education courses in palliative care at the University of Bremen allow for part-time studies.