Library and University Open Learning Spaces

The university library is offering individual working spaces in its headquarters and at the Juridicum with immediate effect. Visiting to find literature, borrow media, and make copies has been possible since the beginning of May. Learning spaces at the university are also to be made available soon.

Due to the corona pandemic, students were not able to use working spaces at the university or the State and University Library (SuUB) as usual in the past weeks. There has been restricted access to the SuUB for over a month and access to learning spaces is also being granted now.  

60 working spaces are available

The State and University Library took the first step and made a number of working spaces in the main library and Juridicum library available from June 16 onwards. A comprehensive hygiene concept was created in order to curb the risk of infection. Moreover, the air conditioning system in the main library had to be repaired and reset and the learning spaces were authorized under adherence to the required distancing. The spaces can be used from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the main library and can be “loaned” by the students in the Juridicum library for one working day. It is not possible to book places. The usage time of research computers has also been extended to 75 minutes. No group work opportunities can be provided due to the risk of infection.
“We are pleased that we can offer 60 individual working spaces in the main library. A further 60 people can use the library to look for literature, borrow media, make copies, and scan for a maximum of 75 minutes each day. 40 people can do their work at the individual learning spaces in the Juridicum library; a further 20 will be allowed to enter for short stays,” explains Maria Elisabeth Müller, SuUB director. “We obviously want to expand this offer to all non-central university locations at the university and other higher education institutes. However, entry to the buildings is currently still restricted to staff members and the ventilation systems at each location need to be assessed,” according to Müller.

Learning spaces at the university will be open for use soon

The University of Bremen wants to open its learning rooms so that students can autonomously revise as soon as possible. The responsible persons are working on solutions for controlled access. “The University of Bremen is a complex system. Thus, immense preparation of such an opening is required in order to reduce the risk of infection. We are, however, optimistic that students will be able to use the learning spaces very soon,” says Dr. Martin Mehrtens, director of finance and administration. The vice president academic, Professor Thomas Hoffmeister, further adds: “We know how important these working spaces are for students. That is why we want to enable access in a manner as uncomplicated as possible – under the necessary hygiene conditions of course.”

Further Information:


Anke Winsmann
Public Relations Officer
Bremen State and University Library
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-59572
Email: oeffentlichkeitsarbeitprotect me ?!suub.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de   

Professor Thomas Hoffmeister
Vice President Academic
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-60031
Email: kon2uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

[Translate to English:] Mann sitzt lesend vor eine Laptop
60 working spaces in the university library are available with immediate effect.