Education Professor Heads Federal Commission of Experts

Christian Palentien, professor in the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Bremen, has been appointed chairman of the federal government’s commission of experts for the preparation of the 16th report on children and youth.

In each legislative period, the federal government is obliged to submit a report on the situation of young people and the efforts and services of youth welfare to the German Bundestag and the Bundesrat. Federal Minister Franziska Giffey of the BMFSFJ has now appointed the independent expert commission of the federal government for the preparation of the 16th report on the situation of children and youth. She has appointed educational researcher Christian Palentien from the University of Bremen as chairman.

Main Subject of the Report: Democratic Education and Participation

According to the BMFSFJ, the 16th children and youth report is intended to create a basis for the further development of institutions and concepts of democracy education for the age group of up to 27 years old. It is also about new and attractive ways of communicating democratic values and practices. The aim is to support young people in their political self-positioning and to promote their development into personalities capable of community life. A special requirement in the current report mandate is to include the perspective of young people in the preparation of the report, for example through youth workshops.

Expert on Educational Disadvantage

Since September 2005, Christian Palentien has been professor of education and socialization in the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Bremen as well as dean of studies. His research and teaching focuses on an analysis of the relationship between the social and educational preconditions of parents and the school success of their children. His thesis: if there is no or only insufficient transfer between educational processes in pedagogically important institutions such as families, kindergartens, schools, youth institutions, media, and reference groups, unfavorable effects of one area – such as in the family sectors of unemployment or poverty – manifest themselves as prerequisites for other areas. In addition to an analysis of this relationship, the aim of his work is to develop approaches that can break this “cycle.”

Additional Information:


Professor Christian Palentien
Faculty of Educational Sciences
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-69110
E-mail: palentienprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Professor Christian Palentien vor einer Bücherwand
Future head of the federal government’s expert commission for the preparation of the 16th children and youth report: educational researcher Christian Palentien.