BIMAQ Provides Software for Measuring the Flow around Rotor Blades

The Bremen Institute for Metrology, Automation and Quality Science (BIMAQ) has now handed over the “Transition Finder” software to Deutsche WindGuard GmbH in Bremerhaven. It is the result of a joint development.

BIMAQ has been working together with Deutsche WindGuard Engineering for a decade. At its core is the aerodynamic optimization of rotor blades. The foundation for the development of image-processing algorithms for thermographic imaging was laid in order to visualize the flow around the rotor blades. Valuable experience gained from numerous joint measurement campaigns in the large wind tunnel in Varel, which Deutsche WindGuard operates, and in the open on wind turbines operated by well-known manufacturers worldwide was used to develop the software.

“Strengthening the Regional Economy”

“As a contribution to strengthening the regional economy, we are now handing over the Transition Finder algorithms to Deutsche WindGuard as an important milestone in thermography-based cooperation,” says BIMAQ Institute Director Professor Andreas Fischer. The programmable software will enable the partner in Varel to further develop and continuously adapt to the requirements of the industry. Transition Finder is already used for industrial measurements on wind turbines in several countries as well as in wind tunnels of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and the German Aerospace Center in Göttingen.


At the Bremen Institute for Metrology, Automation and Quality Science (BIMAQ), scientists are researching novel model-based, dynamic measurement systems for the investigation and optimization of manufacturing and flow processes. The core competence of BIMAQ is measurement technology, which is a key discipline for solving technical and social challenges. One research focus is the holistic investigation of optical measurement systems at the limits of measurability, from their conception, modelling, development, and characterization through to their application. This includes interdisciplinary basics as well as application-oriented research work on measurement methods and their applications.

About Deutsche WindGuard Engineering

Deutsche WindGuard Engineering operates a large wind tunnel in Varel. It offers comprehensive possibilities for the aerodynamic and acoustic measurement of rotor blade profiles at high flow speeds of up to 100 meters per second. Deutsche WindGuard Engineering GmbH is part of the Deutsche WindGuard group of companies.
With four calibration wind tunnels, one pressure wind tunnel, one ice wind tunnel, and the acoustically optimized large wind tunnel, the Wind Tunnel Center of Deutsche WindGuard offers optimal measuring, testing, and research conditions. In addition to its headquarters in Varel, the company has further locations in Germany, the USA, China, and India, and employs more than 170 experienced experts.


Prof. Dr. Andreas Fischer
Head of the Bremen Institute for Metrology, Automation and Quality Science (BIMAQ)
Faculty of Production Engineering
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-64600


Two men in front of a screen
Professor Andreas Fischer (right) from BIMAQ hands over the “Transition Finder” to Nicholas Balaresque, Managing Director of Deutsche WindGuard Engineering GmbH.