Bremen-Cardiff Alliance: Facing Brexit with Collaboration

The University of Bremen and Cardiff University are entering into a strategic partnership – the Bremen-Cardiff Alliance. A cooperation agreement will be signed in Bremen and Cardiff on March 8 and 25 respectively. The aim is to promote the development of joint research activities and cooperation.

The partnership reflects the shared and complementary strengths and strategic priorities of both universities. Scientists in selected fields will become permanent members of the other university, whilst many others will seek exchange for shorter periods of time. President Bernd Scholz-Reiter: “With the Bremen-Cardiff Alliance, we are facilitating cooperation and exchange among our scientists. Through our cooperation with a British university, we are also countering Brexit and growing isolation in Europe with exchange and networking.”

“Active Encouragement of Openness in the Future.”

Senator of Science Eva Quante-Brandt is pleased that “Cardiff and Bremen are moving closer together.” It was intended to start a new chapter in the cooperation between the two universities. “Bremen is known for its openness to the world and its pro-European attitude, and we want to continue to actively encourage this openness in the future,” said the senator.

The Bremen-Cardiff Alliance aims on the one hand to facilitate joint research between the two universities and on the other to help scientists access new areas of research and funding. Researchers from Cardiff should be able to submit proposals and jointly carry out third-party funded projects in Germany and vice versa.

Joint Research

The researchers are involved in research initiatives at each of the two locations, supervise doctoral projects, can employ and instruct staff, and are no different from other members in all of this. This type of close cooperation distinguishes the Bremen-Cardiff Alliance from other cooperation initiatives, which essentially define joint projects between two universities. The Bremen-Cardiff Alliance will be open to cooperation in all disciplines. The first focal points are media and communication sciences, marine sciences, literature, social sciences, and history. Further focal points, such as physics, may soon be added.

The partnership agreement makes it much easier for academic staff, doctoral students, and technical and administrative staff to travel to the other location, work together, and learn from each other – a corresponding fund makes this mobility possible.

Additional Information:


Strategic Initiatives
Dr. Achim Wiesner
Tel.: +49 421 218-60015
E-mail: achim.wiesnerprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


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