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Bremen Parliament Speeches and Minutes Digitized: 210 Volumes Freely Accessible

In cooperation with the Bremen Parliament and the Bremen State Archive, the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) is digitizing the historical parliamentary printed matter from 1823 to 1999. 210 volumes are now freely accessible as part of the SuUB's digital collections.

Thanks to the project, a total of 300,000 pages are to be digitized by 2024, including older citizens' convention proceedings, negotiations between the senate and the parliament, and minutes of resolutions and plenary sessions. The parliament’s printed materials document the publicly accessible work of the senate and parliament in Bremen and are thus an outstanding source for anyone interested in historical and political topics relating to the history of the city and state.

"With the gradual digitization of historical plenary documents, interested parties can access them in an uncomplicated and freely accessible way – and thus also a piece of contemporary political history in Bremen. In the past, parliament has repeatedly received inquiries about older printed matter and minutes. Research is much faster with digitization," explains the Director of Bremen Parliament, Hans-Joachim von Wachter.

The 210 volumes that have been digitized to date are:

  • All printed matter and annexes of the 9th to 14th legislative periods of the parliament (1975 to 1999), which are enriched with further parliamentary documents such as minutes of resolutions, plenary minutes, subject and speech indexes (158 volumes).
  • Proceedings of Bremen Parliament from 1900 to 1951 (40 volumes)
  • Proceedings of the Constituent Assembly of Bremen 1919/20 (two volumes)
  • Negotiations between the senate and the parliament 1920 to 1930 (ten volumes)

All documents are searchable in full text and individual printed materials, minutes, and attachments can be downloaded as PDFs. In the future, entire election periods or time periods will be released at regular intervals until all project documents are available online.


Further Information: (in German only)



Anke Winsmann
Press and Public Relations Officer
State and University Library Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-59572
Email: oeffentlichkeitsarbeitprotect me ?!suub.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Das Bild zeigt eine Frau, die mit einem Scanner ein Dokument der Bremischen Bürgerschaft einscannt.
As part of the cooperation between the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB), the Bremen Parliament, and the Bremen State Archive, a total of 300,000 pages are to be digitized by 2024. 210 volumes are already freely accessible.