Bremen Students Develop Climate/Friendly Electric Car

A team of students from the University of Bremen and Bremen University of Applied Sciences have developed and built an electric racing car alongside their studies. At 3 p.m. on Monday, October 5, 2020, the newest model – called “BreMo20” – will be presented via a live stream.

“It is always a breathtaking feeling when you see how a self-developed racing car races against teams from across the whole world on Europe’s tracks,” says Sören Mennebäck, the first chairman of the Bremergy student association. The group was established by students at the University of Bremen at the end of 2011. Since then, seven variations of the “BreMo” racing car have been developed and built. Currently, around 50 students from various disciplines are members of the Bremergy team. Most of them study production engineering, aviation and space engineering, machine engineering, or computer science at the University of Bremen and Bremen University of Applied Sciences. “We develop and construct our racing car entirely on our own,” explains Mennebäck. “Naturally, we do expand on the experiences made in past years. We organize ourselves into small teams: Alongside the management there are various specialist groups, such as aerodynamics, business, electronics, suspension, or also driverless.” Over the years, the number of supporters has also grown: As well as from partners at the University of Bremen, the team also receives financial support from nearly 50 companies and foundations.

Electric Drive for More Sustainability

The team is particularly proud of this year’s “BreMo”. “We have surpassed the work of last year with the current model. Thanks to a general optimization of all groups, some slight reductions in weight, and a completely new development of the aerodynamic bundle, we have improved our performance,” explains Mennebäck. “As in all seasons, we also focused on sustainable development this time. Alongside the electric drive, the efficient use of energy and raw materials was important to us.”

Rollout via Live Stream

“BreMo” will be presented at 3 p.m. on October 5, 2020. Due to the corona pandemic, the rollout will not take place as usual on campus. It can be watched in a stream via the Bremergy website (


Bremergy e.V.
Sören Mennebäck
Phone: 0151 58763178
Email: soeren.mennebaeckprotect me ?!bremergyprotect me ?!.de

Further Information:

Website: (in German only)

Zwei Männer und eine Frau stehen in einer Halle und arbeiten mit Material
Students work on the “BreMo” racing car.