Creating New Games in 48 Hours

The Digital Media Lab at the University of Bremen is hosting the Global Game Jam from January 24 to 26, 2025. Anyone interested in creating a computer or board game in 48 hours can join. Participation is free of charge.

Anyone aged 18 and older interested in games can join the event. Participants can either form groups ahead of time or join existing teams on the first day of the event. The jam will take place from Friday, January 24, 4 p.m., to Sunday, January 26, 5 p.m., on the ground floor of the MZH Building at the University of Bremen’s main campus. Participants can register until Friday afternoon, January 24, at

Anyone interested in games and game development is welcome at the event, regardless of their prior experience. The most important thing is for participants to bring their creativity and enthusiasm to the table. At the start of the Global Game Jam, the organizers will reveal a secret theme that everyone must incorporate into their games. They will also announce some rules for earning extra points in the game evaluation.
At the end, all groups will compete against each other and present their games to choose the best games of this year’s Global Game Jam. However, the most important thing is that participants have fun brainstorming, developing, and playing together.


Further Information:



Mehrdad Bahrini
Digital Media Lab
University of Bremen
Email: mbahriniprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 421 218-64404

Ankündigungsplakat für den Global Game Jam
Anyone aged 18 and older interested in games can join the event. Anyone interested in games and game development is welcome at the event, regardless of their prior experience.