Throwing of the Caps: Business Graduation Ceremony

At 4 p.m. on January 16, 2020, the University of Bremen will be saying goodbye to 490 graduates of the following degree courses in the Glocke: Business Studies, Economics, and Engineering Management. Prizes will also be awarded at the ceremony.

After the presentation of the graduation certificates, representatives of foundations and public bodies will be handing over prizes for outstanding performance: The Segnitz Prize for PhD dissertations, which is endowed with 10,000 euros, will be shared between Dr. Thomas Scholdra, Dr. Julia Sinnig, and Dr. Oliver Steinebach.

Six master’s and bachelor’s graduates will receive the Wolfgang Ritter Study Prize and monetary prizes amounting to 4,000 euros. The special prize from the German Central bank for theses with reference to the Central Bank will be awarded to Dr. Christina Uffmann. This special prize is endowed with 2,000 euros.

The head of the Chamber of Commerce, Janina Marahrens-Hashagen, will hold the ceremonial address. Musical accompaniment will be provided by Nestór Fabián Cortés Garzón on the baroque cello and Nadine Remmert on the harpsichord.

Further Information:



Sascha Radloff

Faculty of Business Studies & Economics

Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66503

Email: sradloffprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 



Business Graduation Ceremony
Throwing of the Caps: Business Graduation Ceremony.