Day of Remembrance at the University of Bremen

The power of writing often manifests itself as an effective form of resistance. As part of the Day of Remembrance for the victims of National Socialism, the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies will be exploring this topic at a public event on January 29.

Every year on January 27, Germany commemorates the victims of National Socialism. To mark the day of remembrance, a commemorative event with lectures by guest speakers will be held at the University of Bremen. The public event will take place at 4 p.m. on January 29, 2024, in the GW1 Building lecture hall and interested parties are cordially invited to attend.

The central event is organized by one of the university's twelve faculties every year. This year, the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies is organizing the memorial day and welcomes Professor Sascha Feuchert as a guest. Professor Feuchert is an expert in modern German literature with an area of focus on Holocaust and camp literature as well as didactics at Justus Liebig University Giessen. In his lecture entitled “Schreiben als Widerstand: Texte aus den Ghettos und den KZs als Zeugnisse der Selbstbehauptung” (Writing as Resistance: Texts from the Ghettos and the Concentration Camps as Testimonies of Self-Assertion), he will examine texts that were written in ghettos or concentration camps as a form of resistance against National Socialism. The lecture will be held in German.

Professor Marcus Callies, Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies, will give an opening address. Soprano Sanaz Afzali will also provide the musical accompaniment for the event. The deliberately chosen Academic Day (Dies Academicus) will allow students and staff to take part in the event, as there are no courses being held that afternoon.


Further Information:



Prof. Dr. Marcus Callies (Dean)

University of Bremen

FB 10: Linguistics and Literary Studies

Phone: +49 421 218-68150

Email: calliesprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Stolpersteine (stumbling stones) on the street
Stolpersteine (stumbling stones) commemorate the Holocaust throughout Germany. At the University of Bremen, the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies invites you to a lecture with Professor Sascha Feuchert on January 29. Photo: Universität Bremen