Digital Neighborhood Guide for Walks in Hemelingen

The digital neighborhood guide for senior citizens has been in operation for several months now. It was developed by the Institute for Information Management (ifib) at the University of Bremen. Initially only for the Bremen suburb of Osterholz, as of May 28, 2018, it will also include Hemelingen.

A few months ago, the digital neighborhood guide for senior citizens developed by the Institute for Information Management (ifib) at the University of Bremen in the frame of an EU project attracted quite a lot of attention. Initially only for the Bremen suburb of Osterholz, it will soon include Hemelingen. The official launch takes place on May 23 in the local community center.

There are dozens of city guides and district maps on the market. But very rarely do they provide the information older people are looking for: Where can I go for a walk? Where are there park benches to rest on, where are the toilets? Where can I find meeting points for seniors or counseling services? In the frame of the EU project called “Mobile Age”, the Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib) developed the prototype of such a neighborhood guide that contains precisely this kind of information.

Since the end of January 2018, the Bremen district of Osterholz has had an interactive digital neighborhood guide containing details of 70 facilities such as meeting points for seniors, counseling centers, offers of sports and cultural events as well as 17 beautiful green areas and paths. By means of a map or a list of small photos, you can search for the information you want and access details. The information on attractive walks and where to go also includes whether there are benches and toilets.

With the participation of senior citizens in Hemelingen

Now the suburb of Hemelingen is also to benefit from the ifib expertise. With the help of local people active in the outreach work of Netzwerk Alte Vielfalt and elderly residents, a total of seven walks are described in the districts of Hemelingen, Hastedt, Seebaldsbrück, Mahndorf and Arbergen. Senior citizens took in information, wrote texts, took pictures and made videos about the walks and individual stations along the way. They were also able to learn some new things about the area they live in and about digital technologies.

Interested members of the public and the media attending the launch on Wednesday, 23 May 2018, 10:30 a.m., in Bürgerhaus Hemelingen (Godehardstraße 4, 28309 Bremen) will be able to learn how the neighborhood guide for Hemelingen works and what it offers, who exactly was involved and how this result can be transferred to other parts of the city. Representatives of the Institute for Information Management as well as residents and the participants involved will be there to present their work and answer questions. For older citizens who might not be familiar with digital media, a printed version of the digital walkways will be distributed at the same time.

MEMBERS OF THE PRESS: An informative film about the idea of a digital neighborhood guide and how it can be realized can be found under:

You can find photos illustrating how the Hemelingen neighborhood guide project was implemented under:

There is a comprehensive University of Bremen press release describing the start of the first digital neighborhood guide in January 2018 and further information under:

About ifib: The Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib) is an independent affiliated institute of the University of Bremen. The focus of the work done there is on the handling of information and IT management in public administration, in schools and universities as well as in associations and similar. The institute staff combines research and consulting. In so doing, they focus on the requirements of the respective field of application rather than the technology involved

If you would like to know more about this topic, feel free to contact:

Dr. Juliane Jarke
Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib)
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-56586
Email: jarkeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



A total of seven walks are described in the districts of Hemelingen, Hastedt, Seebaldsbrück, Mahndorf and Arbergen.