Digital Lessons: Students Develop Learning Concepts for Schools

Students from the University of Bremen have developed digital learning materials for 5th and 6th grade school pupils in Bremen as part of an online seminar. The basics of mathematics and writing have been realized in the form of interactive exercises on the itslearning platform.

The students with a teaching orientation have created creative and diverse digital offers for the subjects of mathematics and German on the itslearning platform. They were supervised by teachers from the Oberschule am Park school and the Media Education and Educational Media lab at the University of Bremen. The school pupils particularly enjoyed an interactive video adventure, multifaceted digital exercise games, as well as the creation of explanatory videos.

Innovative Learning Concepts Needed

“The push in digitalization that has become necessary due to the corona epidemic has shown that there are still many areas of digital lessons that need work,” states Karsten D. Wolf, Professor of media education within the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences. “Digitally supported lessons are not simply traditional lessons with digital means – didactics also have to change. That is why we need innovative ideas for the education and further training of active and future teaching staff.”

For over two years now, the University of Bremen has had a cooperation with the Oberschule am Park school, which allows students to investigate the potential of digital media for teaching in heterogenous classes together with teachers. The aim is to develop and test concepts and freely usable materials for day-to-day life at schools.

The project was accompanied via video conferences and both the university learning platform (Stud.IP) and the school learning platform (itslearning). The materials were developed in an agile project format and were repeatedly tested and improved with teaching staff, pupils, and the media experts from the university.

Exercises Will Be Further Developed in the Winter Semester

The students’ findings were not only well received by the school pupils. “I am amazed by the dedication of the students,” emphasizes school headteacher Monika Steinhauer. “The material is very diverse and comprehensive.”
The available material will be further developed and expanded together with a new seminar group in the coming winter semester. The plan is to offer digital exercises via itslearning to all Bremen school pupils so that they are able to close the gaps in their knowledge from primary school as autonomously as possible.

Further Information:


Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf
Media Education and Teaching Methodology in Multimedia Learning Environments
Head of ZeMKI Lab for Media Education and Educational Media
Phone: +49 421 218-69140
Email: wolfprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de




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