Diginomics Research Talks: Digital Experts Hold Public Talk Series

Work 4.0, digital project management, and digital currency are topics of an event series from the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics. The series begins on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, in the Kontorhaus Passage, is free of charge and open to anyone who is interested.

The “Diginomics – Digitalization, Economy, and Society” (Diginomics – Digitalisierung, Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft) graduate group within the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics is investigating work, finance, and product markets based on the above-stated aspects. “With our event series, we want to start the conversation with the economic sector, politics, and society in Bremen,” says Lars Hornuf, professor of business studies at the University of Bremen. He is the coordinator of the graduate group. “We wish to present current research findings from renowned digital experts in presentations and hope to start an exchange with the interested public.” This is why the events are not being held at the university but in the city, emphasized Hornuf. The first two events will take place at the Kontorhaus Passage and Teerhof.


The Diginomics graduate group is a study and research program in the field of business studies, which prepares participants for acquiring their PhD title. The lunchtime seminar idea came from the wish to make international communication on the topic of digitalization possible. “At lunchtime on Wednesdays, international speakers, for example from the University of Cambridge or from Cleveland, USA, come to us and hold talks. We have found this to be positive,” says Professor Hornuf. This is how the idea was born to create a similar format and to make it accessible for the regional economy and public.

The Events:

So far, two events in the “Diginomics Research Talks” series have been planned. A third event is planned for January 2020.

•    Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 3 p.m. to 5:45 p.m., EFBeta, Kontorhaus Passage
“Arbeit 4.0” – Social Workplace: das Beispiel der DIGILAB Innovationsprojekte
(“Work 4.0” – Social Workplace: The example of the DIGILAB Innovation Projects)

Experiences from and reflection on a transdisciplinary innovation project: Students from the “social-workplace.com” project introduce themselves. Further presenters: Professor Dr. Yvonne Bauer, Work 4.0 consultant for the senator for economy, labor, and Europe, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Martin Ehlis, senior recruiter, BTC Business technology Consulting AG, Oldenburg, and Dr. Martin Holi, project head for DIGILAB Innovation Projects, Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship (LEMEX), Faculty of Business Studies & Economics, University of Bremen.

•    Tuesday, November 28, 2019, 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., Enercon building, 6th story, Teerhof 59
“Digitales Projektmanagement” (Digital Project Management), Professor Martin G. Möhrle, Faculty of Business Studies & Economics

•    January 2020 (date TBA): “Digitale Währung als Asset-Klasse” (Digital Currency as an Asset Class), Professor Thorsten Poddig, Faculty of Business Studies & Economics.

Further Information:

https://www.uni-bremen.de/graduiertengruppe-diginomics/ (in German only)

https://www.senatspressestelle.bremen.de/sixcms/detail.php?gsid=bremen146.c.276651.de&asl (in German only)


Martin Knipp, M. Sc.
Research Assistant
Chair of Accounting and Control
Faculty of Business Studies & Economics
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-66683
Email: martin.knipp@uni-bremen.de






Crypto currency on a digital display
One of the presentations will also deal with the future of the digital currency