Andreas Breiter is first Chief Digital Officer at University

In order to promote digitalization of teaching, research, and administration, the University Executive Board has named Andreas Breiter as the University of Bremen’s first Chief Digital Officer – in short: CDO.

The professor of applied computer sciences and executive director of the Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib) advises the University Executive Board, develops strategic goals together with the board, and manages the implementation of said goals at the university.

“The establishment of this new post was planned prior to the corona crisis,” says the president of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter. This decision is also positive for the university during the corona crisis with regard to mastering the current challenges. In the long-term, the new CDO is to promote and lead the entire digital transformation process of the university with its 3,500 staff members and around 20,000 students. “We are pleased that we were able to win Andreas Breiter for this role, a person with proven expertise and experience,” stated the president.

For many years, Breiter has been working on the digital transformation of educational institutes. The scientist is very familiar with the university structures thanks to his roughly 5-year period as vice president research. Breiter basically took on the CDO role directly afterwards on April 1. “I am happy that I can continue to contribute as CDO to the university as a whole,” he says. “Research into the digital transformation of educational institutes has always been my passion as a university teacher. It is extremely appealing to me to now have the chance to implement findings within creation.”

From Urgent Support to a Long-Term Strategy

The CDO is directly in high demand due to the corona crisis. Andreas Breiter is coordinating the digitalization process so that the University of Bremen’s first ever digital semester runs smoothly. He also manages everything so that digitalization in administration, research, or rather research data management is strengthened in the long-term and involves the people from the fields of teaching, research, and administration in this process. “Together with all participants, we are currently developing a usage policy for the various online support tools that are required in teaching, research, and administration,” says Breiter. This is an important requirement so that a strong foundation can be created for the further process. In terms of content, it includes the best-possible user friendliness and functionality. Additionally, legal and financial issues must be clarified and the new guidelines need to be conform to the digital transformation strategy of the university.

Further Information:


Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter
Chief Digital Officer (CDO)
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-56570
Email: cdoprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Professor Andreas Breiter smiles into the camera.
For many years, Professor Andreas Breiter has been working on the digital transformation of educational institutes. He was also vice-president of the university for almost five years.