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Dr. Hans Riegel Specialist Prizes for Excellent Student Research

On November 2, 2022, the University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung honored students from the region for their particularly good prescientific work. The Dr. Hans Riegel specialist prizes are endowed with a total of 6,800 euros.

A total of 16 works by students of the Altes Gymnasium, the Gymnasium Horn, Oberschule an der Ronzelenstraße, the Ökumenisches Gymnasium zu Bremen, the Schulzentrum Carl von Ossietzky, the Schulzentrum Geschwister Scholl and the St.-Johannis-Schule were honored. In line with the focus on STEM subjects, numerous project work from the fields of biology, chemistry, geography, computer science, mathematics, and physics had previously been submitted to the University of Bremen for the Dr. Hans Riegel specialist prizes. A jury made up of scientists evaluated them. Special attention was paid to creative themes and a clearly recognizable practical contribution – for example in the form of experiments. 

Attracting Excellent Young Talent

As part of the award ceremony at the University of Bremen, the prizewinners from Bremen and Bremerhaven have now been honored. “We are delighted to be honoring promising young talents together with the Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung for the sixth time. The range of topics covered is impressive and it is exciting to see which issues are of interest to early-career researchers. We would be delighted to welcome many of them as students soon,” said Professor Maren Petersen, the Vice President for Teaching and Studies at the University of Bremen.

Beginning of Sustainable Support

Professor Ingeborg Henzler, member of the board at the Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung, adds: “Finding and fostering talent, supporting them, and networking with them – that is one of the focal points of the Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung. We see the promotion of STEM education as an important basis for securing and shaping our ecological and economic future. The Dr. Hans Riegel specialist prizes are a good example of this, and we are delighted to be able to award them again together with the University of Bremen. We will continue to do so in the future.”

The Foundation and Its Specialist Prizes

The foundation of former HARIBO co-owner Dr. Hans Riegel is particularly committed to promoting education – always with the aim of helping young people shape their future. The Dr. Hans Riegel specialist prizes are endowed with 600 euros each for first place, 400 euros for second place, and 200 euros for third place. In addition, the schools of the first-place winners will receive a noncash prize of around 250 euros in recognition of the supervision of the student work by the respective subject teachers. The prizes are awarded in cooperation with 15 German universities. Depending on the university, papers can be submitted in the natural sciences, computer science, and mathematics. Since only outstanding works are awarded, it may result in papers not being awarded in all announced categories and in all three standings.

Details of the individual prizewinners and their work can be found here:


Dr. Kerstin Ksionzek
University of Bremen
Administrative Unit 16, UniTransfer
TAB 2.53
Tel.: +49 421 218-60393
Email: kerstin.ksionzekprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Peter Laffin
Project Manager – Dr. Hans Riegel specialist prizes
Tel.: +49 228 227 447 15
Email: peter.laffinprotect me ?!hans-riegel-stiftungprotect me ?!.com

Alexander Kukla
Head of Public Relations
Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung 
+49 228 227 447 25
Email: alexander.kuklaprotect me ?!hans-riegel-stiftungprotect me ?!.com

[Translate to English:]
Successful up-and-coming researchers: The University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung have now honored students from the region for their particularly good prescientific work.