Creating a European University Together: Panel Discussion on Diversity

Which chances and challenges arise when you establish a European university? That is what experts from the YUFE partner universities will be discussing at a panel discussion in the mensa (cafeteria) at 3:30 p.m. on November 27. The topic is diversity.

The European university should be open and inclusive – excellent but not elitist. How do the eight YUFE partners want to achieve this? YUFE stands for Young Universities for the Future of Europe. How are equal opportunities going to be available and guaranteed? How will they reach out to persons from educationally disadvantages families who are interested in studying and support their entry into university education? How will YUFE address language diversity, mobility for everyone, especially mobility for students with family obligations and for students with disabilities? These are the questions that will build the core of the English panel discussion with the title “Diversity @ Uni Bremen…goes YUFE.” The guests are the director of the YUFE alliance, Dr. Daniela Trani from Maastricht University, Karen Bush from the University of Essex and Professor Aldona Aldona Glińska-Neweś from the Nicolaus Copernicus University Toruń in Poland – an associated partner university of the YUFE network. The panel discussion will be presented by Dr. Christian Peters, director of BIGSSS – Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences at the University of Bremen. Everyone is cordially welcome. There will be childcare offered on site and will be available without prior registration. The foundation Bremer Wertpapierbörse is sponsoring the event.

Kick-Off Event for “Diversity @ Uni Bremen” Series

The panel discussion is the first event in the “Diversity @ Uni Bremen” event series. In this university year, the series is dedicated to the theme of “international prospects & challenges” based on the founding of the YUFE alliance. Not only are the opportunities and gains that come from a European university to be topics of the individual events, but also the challenges that the eight universities will face. One of which may be how one can proactively counteract forms of discrimination, such as racism or social inequality.

Creating a Model of an International and Inclusive University

“With YUFE, we wish to create a model of an international and inclusive university that can be of importance in a global context,” says the vice president international and diversity, Professor Eva-Maria Feichtner. “We would be pleased if as many students, university staff members, and citizens as possible were to get involved.” The university’s Executive Board, staff, and students have already collected a number of ideas for the design of the European university. New, international degree programs in cooperation with YUFE partners, opportunities for short-term research and teaching exchanges, and transfer projects into the regional communities are being planned.

About YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe

In the coming years, the University of Bremen will create a European university together with seven partner institutions. The EU Commission is funding the YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – network with 5 million euros over 3 years. The aim is that YUFE students will be able to easily transfer between the locations of the participating universities, study in more than one language, and move around in various European cultures. All university members will be able to experience this new quality of mobility. Constant communication will connect the locations and open new career paths for the individual university members from all areas. In this way, the alliance is supporting communication, learning and understanding of institutions, regions, and cultures across Europe. YUFE creates a European identity and strengthens the European idea.  Alongside the University of Bremen, the universities of Maastricht, Antwerp, Carlos III Madrid, Eastern Finland, Essex, Roma Tor Vergata, and Cyprus belong to the network.

Further information:

Website about YUFE at the University of Bremen



About the event series “Diversity @ Uni Bremen”
Dr. Margrit E. Kaufmann
Scientific expert on diversity
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 -218 67631
Email: mkaufmprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

About YUFE:
Prof.Dr.  Eva-Maria Feichtner
Vice president international and diversity
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60041
Email: kon3protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Group of men and women
Stand for a European university: Representatives of the eight YUFE universities at a meeting. Copyright: University of Cyprus
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