A New Scholarship Culture in Germany

They demonstrate outstanding performance and are committed to society: 112 students from the University of Bremen have received a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship this year. The scholarship includes financial support and free workshops to promote soft skills.

“Our 112 scholarship recipients are currently part of around 26,000 students funded nationwide,” said Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, President of the University of Bremen, at the award ceremony on campus at the end of November. The slowly, but steadily, growing number of scholarships shows that the program has initiated and perpetuated a new scholarship culture in Germany. “I congratulate all scholarship recipients and thank all sponsors for their support.”

A Special Feature of the University of Bremen

The German Federal Government, companies, associations, foundations, and private individuals jointly support high-performing students as part of the Deutschlandstipendium. In this way, civil society assumes responsibility for talented young people and makes an important contribution to the future. Scholarship recipients receive 300 euros per month for one year. One-half is paid by the German Federal Government, and the other half by private sponsors. A special feature of the University of Bremen is that the selection criteria are based not only on academic performance, but also on social commitment. Scholarships are awarded by a scholarship council made up of students and professors of the university.

“I Want to Give Them a Start”

Many sponsors not only contribute to the financing for one year, but have also given their commitment for a longer period of time. In addition, scholarship recipients from 2017/2018 have come together to also provide a scholarship in the 2018/2019 funding year. “I want to support young, committed people and give them a start for their careers – also as a mentor,” says Bernd Bohn. The psychologist was a lecturer at the University of Bremen for more than 30 years and is one of the sponsors. 

“Someone Who Believes in My Abilities”

“For me, being a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship recipient means that there is someone who believes in my goals and abilities and who makes it possible for me to realize my wishes,” says Lena Tietjen, a scholarship recipient. “I want to contribute to a generation that is able to be compassionate instead of blindly preaching racism and questioning nothing. I want to be a support to those who are not supported,” says the student teacher.

More Than Half Receiving Funding for the First Time

Of the 112 students, more than half (64) are receiving funding for the first time and 20 percent are in their first semester, thus enabling them to begin their studies with a scholarship. Almost 50 percent are working to earn a master’s degree. A total of 85 percent of scholarship recipients volunteer their time alongside their studies. Around 60 percent come from a so-called nonacademic household; 22 percent have a family language other than German.

Workshop Offers

The scholarship award ceremony also marks the start of another round of ideal accompaniment for the scholarship recipients from the University of Bremen. With workshops on soft skills, this accompaniment is intended to help them find their way around life and work issues. Offers from sponsors provide insights into working environments and valuable networks. With the help of this support, students can make even greater use of their own potential and networking opportunities.

Who Makes the Scholarships Possible?

The University of Bremen would like to thank the following individuals, foundations, and companies:

Alumni der Universität Bremen e.V. | AOK Bremen/Bremerhaven | bp beratung, Bernd Bohn | BREBAU GmbH | Brede Stiftung | BREKOM GmbH | Bremer Umweltinstitut GmbH | Bremische Evangelische Kirche | COLLEGIUM-Förderstiftung | Deutschlandstipendium recipients 2017/18 | Professor Rolf Drechsler | Manfred und Ursula Fluß-Stiftung | GESTRA AG | Werner Glaubitz | Hanseatische Software-Entwicklungs- u. Consulting GmbH (HEC) | Hanseatische Waren Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG | Karin und Uwe Hollweg Stiftung | INDICO-SOLUTIONS GmbH | International Campus AG | Ipsen Logistics GmbH | KAEFER Isoliertechnik GmbH & Co. KG | KELLNER & STOLL – STIFTUNG FÜR KLIMA UND UMWELT | Professor Günter Kleinen | Monika and Gerd-Rüdiger Kück | Ernst A.-C. Lange-Stiftung | Professor Rüdiger Lautmann | LIDL Vertriebs-GmbH & Co. KG | Luers Stiftung | MLP Finanzberatung SE | Professor Ivo Mossig | Conrad Naber Stiftung | NH IT Schulung GmbH | OLB-Stiftung | OMNILAB-LABORZENTRUM GmbH & Co. KG | OptoPrecision GmbH | Rector’s Circle | Wolfgang-Ritter-Stiftung | Rotary Club Bremen | Rotary Club Bremen Bürgerpark | Rotary Club Bremen Hansa | Rotary Club Bremen Roland | Rotary Club Bremen Weser | Rotary Club Delmenhorst | Rotary Club Oyten | Rotary Club Syke | Santander Consumer Bank AG | Dr. Ilka Peeken and Professor Michael Schulz | Sparkasse Bremen AG | University of Bremen Foundation | EUROPA-CENTER Uwe Heinrich Suhr Stiftung | Tandler Zahnrad- und Getriebefabrik GmbH & Co. KG | team neusta GmbH | Dr. Petra Tessin-Stiftung | Reiner Thöle | Association of German Engineers – Bremen chapter | Weber-Steinhaus & Smith Solicitors | Dr. Gisela Wefer-Bierhaus and Professor Gerold Wefer | Gerda-Weßler-Stiftung | Frits und Dorothea Witte-Stiftung

Additional Information:





Evelyn Bertz
Universität Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60333
E-mail: evelyn.bertzprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

Two men are holding a box and sit in a lecture.
Scholarship recipients from 2017/2018 have come together to also provide a scholarship in the 2018/2019 funding year.