“Festival of Action” takes place digitally as a “living room” edition

Creating socially innovative ideas and projects from the living room: This is what high school students, university students, apprentices, and young professionals aged between 18 and 35 can do on May 8 and 9 at the digital “Festival of Action”. Participation is free of charge.

Bror Giesenbauer from the Project Sustainability at Higher Education Institutions HOCH-N at the University of Bremen explains what this is all about: “The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations are more relevant than ever: Health, poverty, consumption, inequalities, freedom, and democracy – all these issues are even more pressing in times of the corona crisis. It is especially important now that we stick together and find answers to local and global challenges together.”

Virtual teams at the festival can creatively develop such solutions from the living room. Anyone who would like to get involved beyond this can apply to become a team leader and is thus responsible for the cooperation of a team.

The 17 best ideas will be presented live on YouTube on Monday, May 11, 2020.

Initially, the Festival of Action was supposed to take place in the Bremen Überseestadt, with the University of Bremen as host. Because of the corona crisis, it was transformed into a digital festival and opened to participants from all over Germany.

The festival is organized by the initiative Engagement Global, which is commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development to make the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations accessible to young people.
The virtual Festival of Actions uses the Design Thinking method and links it with the technical possibilities of platforms such as Zoom and Qiqochat. Both technically and didactically, there will be numerous innovations.

Further Information:



https://www.engagement-global.de/online-registrierung.html?id=2806&lh=ce665d0b9cae3778963ee3b2a1b1b005 (in German)


Bror Giesenbauer
Project Sustainability at Higher Education Institutions HOCH-N
Phone: +49 (0)421 – 218 – 66790
Mobil phone number upon request
Email: giesenbauerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Junge Menschen vor einer Pinnwand