University of Bremen is Still Looking for Rooms for International Guests on its Summer Course

120 students are expected to arrive on campus in July. Bremen residents who want to host a guest can register at the foreign language center.

The foreign language center of the universities in the state of Bremen still needs accommodation for the international guests attending summer courses at the University of Bremen. From July 9 to August 3, 2018,120 students from more than 20 nations are expected on campus. They want to learn the German language or consolidate their language skills within the four weeks. The foreign language center offers guests an attractive range of excursions, lectures and visits. The International Summer Courses are more than just language lessons. Participants from all over the world are given many opportunities to experience Germany, its people, its culture and its science system. They get to know Bremen as well as the Bremen culture and undertake study trips into the surrounding area.

There is still not enough accommodation available for all the people coming. The University is therefore appealing to the population of Bremen to help out. If you would like to provide accommodation for an international guest for a rent of 280 euro during this time, you can contact the summer course office at the University of Bremen in the foreign language center.

More information:

University of Bremen
Foreign Language Center of the Universities in the State of Bremen
Summer Course Office
Phone: +49 421 218 61965
Email: sommerkursprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

A lot of students are expected to arrive on campus