FunKI: Artificial Intelligence for the New Mobile Network

Research for the newest mobile network generation: The Department of Communications Engineering within the Faculty of Physics/Electrical Engineering is coordinating the BMBF collaborative project FunKI. The project focusses on the application of artificial intelligence in future 5G and 6G networks.

“That we were chosen as coordinators of this complex BMBF research project is a recognition of our expertise, both in the field of modern wireless networks and in the field of artificial intelligence,” states Professor Armin Dekorsky, head of the Department of Communications Engineering, happily. “The project primarily deals with using methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning for the construction and operation of the new 5G mobile network.” This highly complex network with billions of devices will act far more autonomously and independently than the networks of the past.

The aim of FunKI is to research, develop, and test communication components that have the ability to learn and adapt for 5G and also 6G mobile networks. Alongside the University of Bremen, a further seven partners from the German economical and scientific sectors are part of the consortium.

Two PhD Spaces for Early Career Researchers

The project that began recently will run until May 2023 and is being funded with a total of 6.58 million euros. Around 800,00 euros will go to the Department of Communications Engineering in Bremen. “Amongst other things, we will be able to create three jobs for early-career researchers” according to Armin Dekorsy.

The project background is formed by the development of digitalization, which is leading to a rapidly increasing number of networked devices. Many of the decided cannot be connected to the internet with a cable. That is why modern, wireless communication systems that are both high performing but also efficient are required.

Due to the quantity of devices and the often very differing and partially competing requirements of the networks, the usage of the network and its components is becoming ever more complex. “Artificial intelligence processes can contribute to making complexity more controllable and operating wireless networks in the most high-performing and efficient manner possible,” says Dr. Dirk Wübben, staff member of the Department of Communications Engineering and the project’s scientific head. “Until now, AI processes were mainly used to carry out general network administration tasks. The next step is integrating AI approaches into the functions of wireless communication systems.”

Strengthening Mobile Network Sovereignty in Germany

It has been the case that theoretical work has been carried out in this field to date – what is missing is a stronger relation to practical aspects and the real implementation based on microelectronic systems. The superordinate aim of FunKI is thus the development and testing of communication system components that have the ability to learn and adapt, in order to efficiently and sustainably make use of the available network resources. “Therefore, not only new theoretical approaches for mobile network systems that are AI-based will be created in the project. Specialized hardware components will also be implemented. The results are to help strengthen the technological sovereignty of Germany in the area of mobile network systems,” explains Armin Dekorsy. “The technologies we wish to develop have the potential to contribute to the future international wireless network standards. In the Industry 4.0, the realization of ambitious applications based on wireless networks is to especially be made possible for small and middle-sized companies with FunKI technologies.”

Alongside the University of Bremen as the consortium coordinator, Creonic GmbH, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (Kaiserlautern office), the TU Kaiserlautern, Bell Labs by Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG, the University of Stuttgart, Intel Deutschland GmbH, and Motius GmbH are further consortium members.

Further Information:


Prof.Dr.-Ing. Armin Dekorsy
Department of Communications Engineering
Faculty of Physics/Electrical Engineering
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-62400
Email: dekorsyprotect me ?!ant.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Dr.-Ing. Dirk Wübben
Department of Communications Engineering
Faculty of Physics/Electrical Engineering
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-62385
Email: wuebbenprotect me ?!ant.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Hirn und handy
Research for the newest mobile network generation: The Department of Communications Engineering at the University of Bremen is coordinating the BMBF collaborative project FunKI.