Food for Thought: Summer Academy for Young People

“Your brain is hungry? We’ll feed it!” – under this motto, the university is once again inviting high-performing high school students to the summer academy, which will take place in the first week of the Bremen summer break from July 8 to 12. Applications can be submitted until June 16.

In organizing the Summer Academy, the university cooperates on campus with numerous partners from nonuniversity research institutes. Participants attend the course of their choice over four days during the event. On the fifth day, they present their results at the public closing event in the FinanzCentrum am Brill of the Sparkasse Bremen. The following courses are available this year:

•    “The Wadden Sea Biosphere” – Geosciences and Marine Sciences, MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences of the University of Bremen
•    “It’s All about Sausage – Vegan, Vegetarian, or Meat?” – Food Chemistry, Gro-Harlem-Brundtland Laboratory
•    “Machine Learning and Mathematics – AI in Medicine” – Medical Informatics, Fraunhofer MEVIS
•    “Mission to the Planets” – Space Sciences, Center for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM), with partners
•    “Democracy Workshop” – Political Sciences, Centre for Labour and Political Education (zap)
•    “Optimization Algorithms in the Sandbox” – Technomathematics, Zentrum für Technomathematik (ZeTeM)
•    “Thinking Like a Social Scientist: Analyzing Big and Small Questions about the Social Life” – Social Sciences, Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS). The course is held in English (language level corresponding to upper level).

The fee for the Summer Academy is 30 euros, which is used to finance the lunch of the participants in the university cafeteria. In individual cases, this fee may be waived after consultation. Applications with a short essay will be accepted online until June 16, 2019. The Summer Academy will again be sponsored by Sparkasse Bremen this year.

Additional Information:  (in German only)  (in German only)


Isabell Harder
University–School Transfer Coordinator
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60393
E-mail: isabell.harderprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Four teenagers standing in front of a poster
On the Summer Akademie the students present their results at the public closing event in the FinanzCentrum am Brill of the Sparkasse Bremen.