Get Your Place Online: the University of Bremen Informs

Anyone interested in studying at the University of Bremen can apply for a place online. Two digital information events on June 30 and July 14, both on Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m., will provide information on how this is possible.

Natural and engineering sciences, mathematics, language and humanities – the University of Bremen offers almost all possible disciplines. Interested parties can choose the right course for them from over 100 degree courses. There are also numerous qualification opportunities for teaching. The allocation of places for bachelor’s degrees and the First State Examination in Law is carried out via the the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung’s dialog-oriented service procedure DoSV. Applications can still be submitted online until July 15 via

A Great Deal of Transparency Thanks to the Dialog-Oriented Service Procedure

Along with the University of Bremen, many other universities throughout Germany use the Hochschulstart platform. The goal of the dialog-oriented service procedure is a fast admission process that is transparent for university applicants. The majority of all places made available nationwide in the bachelor’s degree course in psychology are now awarded through the service procedure. Interested parties can apply for up to twelve places at the same time and continuously follow the processing of their applications on the internet. As soon as offers of admission are received, they can be accepted. “Due to the 12 applications, prospective students can apply for a variety of combinations, especially for degree courses with multiple subjects – even those that are not selected as much. Your chances of getting a place at university increase as a result,” says Betina da Rocha from the University of Bremen’s Central Student Advisory Service.
Two online information events provide information on applying for a place to study at the University of Bremen. The dates are June 30 and July 14, both on Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m. Registration via

(only available in German).

Application Hotline

Interested students can still apply for the upcoming winter semester until July 15, 2022. If you have any questions, applicants can contact the application hotline. Tel.: +49 421 218-61234
Central Student Advisory Service Provides Advice on Choosing a Course of Study
The Central Student Advisory Service provides advice on choosing a course of study and applying for a place at university from Monday to Thursday. The consultation hours can be found at

Further Information: (only available in German)


Betina da Rocha
Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)
University of Bremen
Phone +49 421 218-61152 (61160)
Email: darochaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



University of Bremen
Natural and engineering sciences, mathematics, language and humanities – the University of Bremen offers almost all possible disciplines.