Large Crowds at Fourth OPEN CAMPUS

Experiments, talks, fun for children and open-air concerts: On Saturday, June 15, 2019, there was a large crowd of around 20,000 visitors at the OPEN CAMPUS event of the University of Bremen. In the evening, the hip-hop stars Namika and Megaloh set the party mood on campus.

Under the motto of “Open Worlds – Share Knowledge”, around 500 employees of the university and a number of helpers worked together to make the fourth OPEN CAMPUS an unforgettable event. There was already great interest before the event was opened: Several guests arrived at the campus park before 2 p.m. in order to find out about the more than 40 marquees that covered the subjects of studying, research, apprenticeships, work and the diverse international life of the university. The several tours, talks and workshops for children were nearly all fully booked until the evening. In debate groups on fixed topics such as “Siltation of the Bremen ports – what can be done?” or “Life in rural areas” guests and university members exchanged opinions. In the evening, there was on-stage entertainment in the form of a poetry slam, concerts and live DJ sets. Especially the shows delivered by hip-hop stars Namika and Megaloh wowed the audience and created that festival feeling in the campus park. There were also fun activities and lots to discover for the younger visitors at the children’s campus during the day.

“I am extremely pleased that so many people came”, said President Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter. “We wanted to show all interested people who we are and what we are capable of with OPEN CAMPUS. The diverse program was received well and there were many opportunities for lively discussion, which benefited all parties.”

Communicating Research Clearly

“I find what the university is offering for children today amazing”, said a mother who was visiting with her daughter and son. They had just been in the Geosciences Collection of the University of Bremen marquee and had ‘dug up’ fossils and then wanted to find out what was happening at the children’s campus. A future student of the university was also enthusiastic. She has just applied to the university and was at OPEN CAMPUS to get an overview and to establish first contacts.

There was also a great deal of activity all afternoon in the MZH building (multifunctional building). Alongside a number of lectures, a so-called Solar-Cup took place in which around 80 school pupils from Bremen and surrounding areas were able to carry out races with self-built solar-powered model cars. “OPEN CAMPUS is a great event to give visitors an insight into our university. Today, we were able to show that technology can be extremely exciting and were possibly able to introduce children to the job of an engineer in a playful way”, summarized the university employee and production technician Torsten Bolik.

Thanks to Sponsors and Supporters

Since 2013, OPEN CAMPUS has been taking place every two years. Several sponsors also make this possible. In this year, this group includes AOK Bremen/Bremerhaven, Sparkasse Bremen, the Foundation of the Bremen Stock Exchange, the Wolfgang-Ritter-Foundation, the University of Bremen Alumni Network, Bank Santander, the University of Bremen Foundation, the Manfred and Ursula Fluß Foundation, BSAG; the hotels 7THINGS and Munte am Stadtwald. OPEN CAMPUS was supported by the following media partners: outdoor advertising specialists Wall, Bremen Vier, Bremen Next and WESER KURIER.

Further information:


Julia Pundt
Office for Project and Event Management
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60116
Email: julia.pundtprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Rund 20.000 Gäste kamen zum vierten OPEN CAMPUS an der Universität Bremen
Around 20,000 visitors came to the fourth OPEN CAMPUS event at the University of Bremen
Sängerin Namika
Singer Namika was the headliner at the University of Bremen OPEN CAMPUS event
Auftritt von Rapper Megaloh
Rapper Megaloh wowed the audience at the OPEN CAMPUS EVENT at the University of Bremen