Big Upswing in Public Research Funds for the University of Bremen

In the current DFG Funding Atlas for the period from 2014 to 2016, the University of Bremen is ranked 17th out of 430 German HEIs. It received 146.5 million euros from the DFG, improving by ten places compared to the previous ranking.

“The approval of so many research projects and the subsequent funding are a reflection of the high quality of our research,” says Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, President of the University. “It is particularly remarkable that we have achieved this rank without a medical faculty, while all 16 universities ahead of us have one.” According to the Funding Atlas, medicine usually brings in the most funding.

The university is also doing well in the European context, with grants funded by the European Research Council (ERC). It is one of the 20 most popular higher education institutions (HEI) selected by the award-winning scientists. With six scholarship holders, the University of Bremen was ranked 17th for the period mentioned.

First Place for Geosciences

In a comparison of the individual scientific disciplines in the current Funding Atlas, the University of Bremen once again took first place in the field of geosciences, which also includes the marine sciences. Of the total of 328 million euros allocated by the DFG for this subject area, 12 percent will go to Bremen alone. With a funding volume of 39.3 million euros, the University of Bremen achieves more than twice as much as the second-place university. The natural sciences (seventh place with 49.2 million euros, including geosciences) and engineering sciences (15th place with 30.1 million euros) also improved.

About the DFG Funding Atlas:

The DFG Funding Atlas, which is published every three years, presents key figures on publicly funded research in Germany in a comprehensive and technically differentiated form. It is the standard work on the third-party funding success of universities in Germany and is thus more than just a university ranking. The DFG Funding Atlas provides information on the success of third-party funding not only within the DFG but also within the framework of direct research and development funding by the federal government and the European Union, both as a whole and by subject and funding area.

Additional Information:


Heidi Asendorf
Administrative Department 1 Academic Affairs
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-60315
E-mail: heidi.asendorfprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Zwei junge Frauen vor Grünpflanzen
The University of Bremen scores excellently in the most recent Funding Atlas published by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).