Hans-Koschnick-Professor John W. Meyer Holds Talk on Liberalism

At 6 p.m. on October 17, 2019, Stanford sociologist John W. Meyer will be holding a talk on education and the university as an institution in the House of Science (Haus der Wissenschaft). He is a guest this fall at the University of Bremen in the frame of the Hans Koschnick Professorship.

For more than 40 years, John W. Meyer has been known mainly for his work on how institutions globally spread based on the foundations of ideas and worldviews. His presentation takes him back to the roots of his scientific work: To education and the institution of university. These roots are linked with the guiding principles and institutions of liberalism. One of the central questions of Meyer’s explanations will therefore be if the focus on education and thus the university as an institution will change in times of anti-liberal thinking. The presentation will be held in English and entry is free. The location is House of Science, Sandtrasse 4/5, Olbers-Saal (Olbers Hall).

About the Hans Koschnick Professorship

With the Hans Koschnick Guest Professorship for “Global Understanding and Equity” at SOCIUM, the senate of the city of Bremen and the University of Bremen are commemorating the national and international work of the former president of the Bremen senate and mayor Hans Koschnick who passed away in 2016. Koschnick’s political work did not only focus on the answers to the economical structural change processes in the 1970s and 1980s and their effect on the jobs in ports or in the shipbuilding industry, for example. As the EU administrator of Mostar, Koschnick was confronted with the complex effects of the Balkan War in the 1990s. The professorship aims to bring internationally renowned scientists who deal with topics such as international understanding and global equity to Bremen.

Further Information:




Prof.Dr. Michael Windzio
University of Bremen
SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy
Phone: 0421/218-58629
Email: mwindzioprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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