High Distinction for Computer Sciences Professor Tanja Schultz

The computer sciences professor Tanja Schultz was named as an IEEE fellow from January 1, 2020. The honorary membership from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is awarded to persons who have produced outstanding work. This is a great honor for the University of Bremen.

The title of ‘fellow’ is one of the IEEE’s highest distinctions and is awarded according to a strict application process and to those members who have made an outstanding contribution to technological advancement and scientific knowledge. Yearly, less than 0.1% of the members entitled to vote are chosen to receive this title. Professor Tanja Schultz, head of the Cognitive Systems Lab, has received this distinction for her contribution to multilingual language recognition and biosignal processing. The scientist has significantly shaped these fields with her research. “Tanja Schultz’s appointment is a great honor for the University of Bremen,” says Professor Rolf Drechsler, dean of the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Sciences. “The accolade once more shows the high quality of our scientists.”

Speaker of the “Minds, Media, Machines” High-Profile Area

Tanja Schultz has been a professor within the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Sciences at the University of Bremen since 2015. She is head of the “Cognitive Systems” area. In her research the computer scientist concentrates on cognitive, technical systems for human-machine interaction based on language and biosignals. She connects machine-based learning processes with innovations in biosignal processing, such as “silent language communication” and “brain-to-text” systems. Together with Professor Michael Beetz, Tanja Schultz is a speaker of the “Mind, Media, Machines” high-profile area at the University of Bremen.

Already Received Many Awards

For her work in the field “Humans and Technology in Communication Systems”, Tanja Schultz received the Alcatel-Lucent Research Prize in 2012. Furthermore, in 2016, she was named an ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) fellow for her contributions to “Multilingual Language Recognition and Biosignal Processing for Human-Machine Interaction”. Since 2017, she has been a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and since 2019, a member of the Leibinz WissenschaftsCampus “Digital Public Health” board of directors.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Profile

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is a worldwide association of engineers who mainly come from the field of electrical engineering and information technology. The association headquarters are located in the USA. The association holds conferences, publishes scientifically recognized journals, and forms panels for the standardization of techniques, hardware, and software. There are over 400,000 IEEE members in 160 countries. With their publications, for example “IEEE Spectrum”, the organization stands for interdisciplinary information and discussion of the effects that new technologies have on society.


Further Information:







Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tanja Schultz

Cognitive Systems Lab (CSL)

Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science
University of Bremen

Phone: +49 (0) 421 218-64270

Email: tanja.schultzprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de




Portrait Tanja Schultz
Computer sciences professor Tanja Schultz