Universities in Bremen State Enter Emergency Operation Mode

University of Bremen, Bremen and Bremerhaven Universities of Applied Sciences, and University of the Arts Bremen are entering into emergency operation mode. Only the most necessary areas will be maintained on site. That is what the management teams and the senator for science and ports agreed on.

This preventive measure is planned to last until April 19. “This measure is required so that the spread of coronavirus is slowed down further and so that infection is avoided,” according to Dr. Claudia Schilling, senator for science and ports. “We have decided to shut down the on-site operations as far as possible so that the necessary operations are reduced to the absolute minimum and the later resumption of work is easily possible.”

In detail, this means:
•    All face-to-face classes are cancelled. Digitally supported formats and similar solutions are to continue as long as this is still in alignment with the general rulings put in place.
•    Face-to-face exams are only to be carried out in individual cases, for which a reason needs to be provided, and in accordance with the general rulings. Digitally supported exam formats are to continue.
•    Research operations within the university buildings will be stopped. Such operations can only be continued in individual cases, for which a reason needs to be provided, and in accordance with the general rulings.
•    General operability will be reduced to the minimum that is required to ensure that necessary staff and finance tasks can be carried out.
•    The face-to-face classes have been cancelled at the universities since March 12, 2020. With these measures, Bremen is acting in alignment with other states who have also reduced their face-to-face operations at their universities to the minimum.

The universities will implement these measures together and in the frame of their specific needs. This means:
The buildings of the University of Bremen will close in the course of the week. Since last Monday (March 23), the natural sciences building NW1 has been closed. Only persons who complete necessary tasks will have entry. The closure schedule is currently being created. Operations will continue with staff working from home. It will be ensured that contact can be made via email or telephone. Teaching is intended to be maintained for the summer semester with the aid of digital services. Questions connected to corona can be sent to the following central email address: corona-schutzprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
The buildings of the Bremen University of Applied Sciences will be closed from tomorrow (March 24) onwards. Teaching will generally continue by means of online services. You can find more information on the regulations for students staying abroad, for the submission of terms papers, for exams etc., and who is the contact person in each of the faculties on the Bremen University of Applied Sciences website (www.hs-bremenprotect me ?!.de).
Presence authorization must be requested from the president at the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. The Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences buildings are no longer open to the public. The staff members of the Administrative Department for Buildings and Operations are monitoring the buildings several times per day. Operations and teaching will be maintained by working from home solutions. The known digital contact forms can still be used (email / telephone during working hours). An emergency email address (coronaprotect me ?!hs-bremerhavenprotect me ?!.de) has also been made available.
The management of the University of the Arts Bremen has created a social fund for students whose basic needs are under threat. Staff members and teaching staff have already made contributions. President Prof. Roland Lambrette and Director of Finance and Administration Dr. Antje Stephan stated that “the current situation poses a basic threat to many of our students: exams are postponed, livelihoods are in danger due to the cancellation of concerts, exhibitions, and other part-time jobs – especially in the catering trade. There is also uncertainty regarding visas and returning to and from home countries. We are touched by the willingness to support others, the adaptability, and the solidarity between students, teaching staff, and administrative staff members.”

Further Information:
www.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de/en/



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