In the Interest of the Health and Well-Being of Children and Adolescents

The Institute Labor and Economy (iaw), a cooperation of the University of Bremen and the Chamber of Labour Bremen, has started work on the European Cohort Development Project (ECDP). The project is preparing a Europe-wide long-term study that investigates the well-being of children.

Besides health and education, a diverse complex of other factors impact on the well-being and development prospects of children. This results in a political need for action, which varies depending on the region. In Europe, for example, the increased immigration of under-age refugees calls for new support concepts for children and adolescents. They often have special support needs as a result of their experience, especially in the field of mental health. Policy makers and society need a reliable source of information in order to be able to create good framework conditions for needs-based child policy.

Part of the EU research program Horizon 2020

A research group comprising members of the University of Bremen’s Institute for Labor and Economy and the Bremen Chamber of Employees is now preparing the planned Europe-wide long-term study EuroCohort by helping to formulate content and methodological concepts as well as the creation of legal and financial framework conditions. The 18-month European Cohort Development Project is being funded by the European Commission with a total of two million euro under the HORIZON 2020 EU Framework Program for Research. Altogether, 13 countries are participating in the study. Project coordination lies with Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. Right from the start, the project will also involve representatives of government institutions and NGOs, for whom future research on the well-being of children and adolescents is highly relevant.

The goal: To improve the standard of living of all children in Europe 

As part of the ECDP project, the Bremen researchers are preparing the Europe-wide long-term study EuroCohort. The study will examine the developing situation over a period of 25 years and which aspects are particularly important for the positive development of children and adolescents. Dr.. Britta Busse, head of the iaw project, says: “Reliable statements about the factors that affect children's well-being throughout the life-course are key to formulating effective child policy. We are pleased to have this opportunity to contribute to the design of a study whose goal is to improve the standard of living of all children in Europe.” The Bremen project is funded with 113,000 euro.

More information under:

If you would like to know more about this topic, feel free to contact:

Dr. Britta Busse
Institute Labor and Economy (iaw)
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 61724
Email: bbusseprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de