You Can Still Apply to the University of Bremen

Attractive degree possibilities are still available for those who did not receive their desired study place at the University of Bremen or did not apply on time: Registrations for non-restricted bachelor programs and for six master programs are still being accepted from September 1 to 15.

Registration is still possible for natural and engineering science programs and also for programs within humanities and social sciences. Persons interested in teacher education programs can still apply for the Teaching Profession at Secondary Schools and Technical and Vocational Education Training Sciences programs. The Central student Advisory Service ( is providing consultations and further information regarding the degrees and the specific requirements (which apply to some programs).

Remaining free spaces in individual degree programs at the University of Bremen will be distributed by the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (University Admissions Foundation). Interested persons can enter an application at from August 30, until midnight on September 3.

A requirement of enrollment is either the general or specialized high school diploma, such as the German Abitur. Additionally, subject-related requirements may need to be fulfilled. International applicants that hold a German C1 certificate and who acquired their high school diploma outside of Germany are asked to upload the so-called uni-assist test report along with their other certificates in the frame of their online application.

The application deadlines for the following six master degree programs have been extended until September 15, 2019:

•    Applied Philosophy
•    Art History and Film Stduies
•    Musicology
•    Process-oriented material research (ProMat)
•    Study of Religion: Transformations of Religion in Media and Society
•   International Romance Studies

Further information: (in German only)


Christina Vocke
Head of Administrative Department 6 Student Affairs
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 61000
Email: christina.vockeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Young people work at a laptop.
There are still several attractive degree opportunities on offer at the University of Bremen