Law Professor Appointed to Federal Joint Committee

Professor Friedhelm Hase, expert for health law at the University of Bremen, was appointed deputy chairman of the Federal Joint Committee in July. The committee decides on which specific care measures should be provided to those insured by statutory health insurance.

The Federal Joint Committee is extraordinarily important for the health sector in Germany. As the supreme decision-making body of the joint self-government of doctors, dentists, psychotherapists, hospitals, and health insurance companies, it primarily issues guidelines, i.e. sub-legislative legal standards, in which the care of more than 70 million insured people is made binding. Professor Friedhelm Hase of the Institute for Information, Health, and Medical Law at the University of Bremen will become deputy chairman of the committee.

Committee Determines Framework of Medical Care

The Federal Joint Committee primarily determines whether and to what extent the various treatment measures and methods correspond to the current state of medical knowledge and are to be provided by the health insurance companies within the framework of care. Since medicine is developing extremely quickly, this task plays a key role in today’s health-care system. Among other things, the committee adopted guidelines on medicine supply, treatment programs for chronically ill people, and quality assurance in outpatient and inpatient care.

Expert for Health Law

Friedhelm Hase was a professor of public law at the University of Bremen from 2009 to 2017, where he continues to be involved in teaching. Together with Professor Benedikt Buchner, he heads the Institute for Information, Health, and Medical Law at the Faculty of Law, which deals with the interdisciplinary development of solutions to the challenges of a modern health and information society. “In the legal regulation of complex social systems, which are changing evermore rapidly, new approaches must be taken today. Above all, it is necessary to take account of the change in fundamental knowledge to which the law must refer,” Hase emphasizes. He has dealt with questions arising from this for health care in a series of works.

Additional Information:


Professor Friedhelm Hase
Institute for Information, Health, and Medical Law
Faculty of Law
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49-421-2186-6010
E-mail: fhaseprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Professor Friedhelm Hase
Future deputy chairman of the Federal Joint Committee: Friedhelm Hase, law professor